Not sure if you agree with my remarks or the opposite :lol:
But no a replica is "trying" to achieve an exact copy, but it's not even close to trying to copy each and every little details, it's the key features that they are after, there's a cost/detail ratio in there.
There's a difference between something that look almost as good as the gen even on close inspection and something that have the same weight.
People after an exact copy need to buy the gen, the rep game is not to pass something for gen, that's the main issue here, as long as people will see the hobby that way, they'll never be satisfied and will always ask more, the Rolex rep game is at such a point that people are more picky with rep than gens !
no that is an error in replication. maybe you should just search the word replica....doesn't matter what these factories do. its called a replica regardless of their ability or failure to replicate the watch in our case to be 1:1.
because when you buy buy a gen....doesn't matter if it has faults or not. defaults by the factory are warrantied and its still gen. A replica that is perfect is still a replica. it will never be gen and because its replicating something...they must be aware of all the minor detail gen owners don't care. gen owners barely know the word rehaut. its just a watch term. but they don't care. they don't scrutinize the rehaut...dimensions; engravings, etc...why cuz its gen and does not matter. while we for example scrutinize the pepsi insert on a rolex...people weren't aware there is an MK1,2 and 3. and all 3 have different colors.
who cares about weight...we all know gold weighs more than steel. most people do. this is just a hobby. i still don't walk around saying hey just so you know...its a rep. nobody does that. everyone has played it off as real to one person or another. i don't know anyone that hands their watch over for someone to eyeball and hold. gen or not.