page 113 - theflyingdutchman - #1122
6h00 , minutes is on 00 , hours is on 6h15
page 113 - theflyingdutchman - #1124
hours is a bit before 1h and minutes is past 5
page 113 - Hyjynx - #1127
small one is on 9h50 and minute are on 10h08
fchan #1032
small just under 11 and same minutes are on 10
jolokia #1076 dont look have got probleme
Et3r17al #1022 dont look have got probleme
im may be a hard/difficult but put 800 buck in with this error / no correct in line .....
newbie who i am ,i dont belive what you sayall rep are fake ? tourbies dont move/work ? :deadhorse:
you pay expencive for a tourbie and it dont work ? loooll
just to get a frozen tourbie in backward ?
here purtime video :
(really poor quality 144p , maybe have to hidden ? )
here too guy say it's chinesse :
it look be well