A rep is a REP for a reason. It does not compare to the gen. Will the rep be easily exposed & have tells easily seen by the general public & novice watch-smiths? No. 95% of watch owners/enthusiasts will not know if your rep is really a genuine(has anyone besides yourself actually glared at your rep, eyes just inches away, appreciating its beauty). Once the case back has been opened, then maybe it can be an tell for some, depending on the version/type of the rep & the experience of the watchsmith/individual observing it. While I would rather have a gen over a rep any day of the week, I prefer reps. Even if I made 1 Mil USD a year, I prefer reps. They're easily replaceable and my heart beat doesn't race abnormally high whenever I do anything that can damage/scratch the watch(which is almost everything). There is no question that the quality of a gen is of MUCH higher quality than that of a rep. If you think otherwise ~ do some research, please. Is a gen worth the money? IT DEPENDS, of course on the person & how much that person is willing to spend on a watch. The question: "Is it worth it?" ~ Is so subjective and is not worth the time to argue one side over another. EVERY PERSON IS DIFFERENT, & EVERY PERSON'S WILLINGNESS TO SPEND $ ON things such as watches is different. Arguing "is it worth it?" Is IMO a stupid question and one that should not be asked or answered b/c it is a question that cannot be answered objectively. My opinion: I can't see myself every buying a gen. Even if i had 10Mil I would still buy reps(a lot more of them). If I was wealthy enough I would SO much rather give reps away via raffles on this forum than spending 10,000$ + on a gen. RWI is not just a "rep forum" but a place to understand the basics of the inner workings, composition, & physics of a watch. But, also a place where people come together to express/discuss their love for watches, while making good friends in the process.