Just arrived from kuvarsit
Obviously without the paper ..
I also have one coming from Kuvarsit. Is the bezel insert actually black and red? I always thought that all 6542s have Pepsi bezel insert.
Mine is Deep blue not black ..if you check gen bachelite is the same color .
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Interesting, on all pictures it seems to look almost black. But happy to hear that it's actually a dark blue!
Its dark blue in low light and blue on direct sunlight or with a flash(ts station 6542)
Dont know about the gen
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On Kuvarsit's website it clearly states the bezel is black and red.
Alright, so I was checking on a dealer from our sister forum and guess what I found...
The best thing: USD268!!!
I am really really tempted to go for the albino. I don't even care it doesn't have the engraved case back... Jesus, $268 in the times we live in where almost any replica costs nearly $500 is so good!
Post a link bro, maybe I'll grab one
Oh hell yes bro, that's exactly my kind of vintage, not all scratched up and splotchy dial, lume and hands. And the lugs look considerably better than the Serpico Y Llano ones from TSWATCH. I'm in.
This version TS?
Yep, TS only had the Serpico y Laino dials as far as I remember.