What units are those measurements in?
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And now i'm totally confused
Keylog74 can you please confirm what exactly was measured?
The DW windows or the diameters of the Overlays?
Because the DW is small yes, but i think it is not that small. Centimeters regarding the diameters of the Overlays would make more sense, but i could be totally wrong again
Whats needed if that are only the diameters is the correct width and height of the DW cut out and the position as i have already marked in the picture i sent you.
please enlighten the things a bit![]()
Date wheel windows are as fallowing (maybe someone with a gen dial can give me the gen measurements)
BP aquanatut : 2.6*2.3
PF Nautilus 2.7*2.2
but you wrote centimeters and the DW windows are obviously not 2.6cm x 2.3cm
Haha. This reminds me of when I got sacked from a project in the Middle East.
I was working for a thick Arab client organisation who knew nothing about numbers let alone units of measurement. The bridge design contractor was a Dutch company that worked in mm. the main construction contractor was an American company that only understood imperial (inches).
I was suppose to be coordinating shit but I did fuck all. In the end there was a fuck up and we ended up with something like x3 times more steel and concrete than required. Lol.
If I’m involved this DW is gonna be the size of a house with a DW window the size of a penny. Lol
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Anyone know where I can send my PF for the 2XAR?
Thank you.
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