they are on Edward H. Bohlin vintage leather similar to this...
W watchismo Active Member 31/7/13 208 1 18 15/11/13 #441 they are on Edward H. Bohlin vintage leather similar to this...
C cybee Legendary Member Supporter 23/11/06 11,134 30 48 16/11/13 #442 1955 Bulova I had this watch serviced about 12 years ago, still running strong. Back in the 50's Bulova was huge in the U.S. 1955 E model sold for $85. Sunburst dial untouched for almost 60 years. Women working in the pinion dept. in 1937...Lots of workers eh?
1955 Bulova I had this watch serviced about 12 years ago, still running strong. Back in the 50's Bulova was huge in the U.S. 1955 E model sold for $85. Sunburst dial untouched for almost 60 years. Women working in the pinion dept. in 1937...Lots of workers eh?
D DenisSpa Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 14/6/12 2,205 0 0 17/11/13 #444 New build, very clean old school 1680.
Debellum Love is a Litany Patron 29/6/12 4,876 289 83 Italy 18/11/13 #448 My 1675 building by Bonesey Junio M. ?Junio M. with a Hell's Phone
B Bonesey Mythical Poster Advisor 15/1/11 8,926 66 0 18/11/13 #449 Glad you're still enjoying it my friend ^_^ Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Debellum Love is a Litany Patron 29/6/12 4,876 289 83 Italy 19/11/13 #450 Bonesey said: Glad you're still enjoying it my friend ^_^ Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2 Click to expand... My friend , this building/franken 1675 it's the best of the best. Thank again for your perfect work ! Respect Junio M. ?Junio M. with a Hell's Phone
Bonesey said: Glad you're still enjoying it my friend ^_^ Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2 Click to expand... My friend , this building/franken 1675 it's the best of the best. Thank again for your perfect work ! Respect Junio M. ?Junio M. with a Hell's Phone
Ed911 Respected Member 8/12/11 5,464 56 48 EU 19/11/13 #451 Junio: I love your 1675 but I'm a bit afraid of your phone...
Debellum Love is a Litany Patron 29/6/12 4,876 289 83 Italy 19/11/13 #452 Ed911 said: Junio: I love your 1675 but I'm a bit afraid of your phone... Click to expand... Hehehe... I will change. Junio Junio M. with Tapatalk Pro
Ed911 said: Junio: I love your 1675 but I'm a bit afraid of your phone... Click to expand... Hehehe... I will change. Junio Junio M. with Tapatalk Pro
A abzack Renowned Member 26/11/11 725 6 0 19/11/13 #453 How about a vintage BPFF from DSN... ...postman delivered the buckle today...
C civic4982 Renowned Member 11/9/11 966 7 18 20/11/13 #455 Garyss said: May I know what model is this? Click to expand... It's called the Mille Metri.
S seriph I'm Pretty Popular 27/8/11 1,965 164 0 20/11/13 #456 That omega memomatic does it for me. But they're all stunners! Awesome work.
R ressmeplz Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 4/12/12 1,221 0 0 9/12/13 #459 My loved gen Patek Philippe 3548, white gold <3
oracle202 Renowned Member 1/4/13 947 0 16 9/12/13 #460 DVNE said: Click to expand... Really gorgeous. Please contact me first if you ever want to sell this beauty...
DVNE said: Click to expand... Really gorgeous. Please contact me first if you ever want to sell this beauty...