Hello hello fellas! What's happening in your world? I just finished walking the dogs. My Keeshond mutt will not come inside. It's finally feeling like fall in Dallas. You know 66 degrees (F).

It was another fun filled day off trying to do some projects around the house. Lawn, and starting to restore a MCM coffee table my wife's grandfather gave us. Photos to come someday.... I only sanded about 10% of it before I thought it would be more fun to start reorganizing my workshed. Now i'm contemplating eating another piece of cake.... Must resist. Wait. Nope. Cake time. :happybirth:
Man! [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION], what are those paw prints, a polar bear?! That's a heep of dough. But it's always worth it. My dog has been itching, and snipping her butt off. Just brought her in the other day and the vet we need to switch her food.... AGAIN. Now we're cooking sweet potatoes, and chicken for this mutt! Always worth it though. If you were cloeser i'd recommend my vet. 24 hour vet with no additional costs for late night service. I love them.
I hope all is well fella's. GO ALL BLACKS!