What is it Jeane ?
BLT with extras ?
Hey my friends!!! Sorry I have not been around much. I did not get back to my hotel room until 11:15pm last night. I hope next week won't be so busy!!!
Jean, I sent you a pm. I'm going to see if we can't grab a beer on Monday. I'll call you.
Hey Bren, 5pm here and I'm about to go out play some basketball with friends. Hey Jeff, welcome back buddy. [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION], I hope I can stop aging LOL
Hey guys. Rainy Saturday here in UK. Stood on the soccer pitch waiting for my boys game to start. Busy but time with the family today. What are y'all up to??
Sounds great! Just got up and got my kids ready for skating/hockey just to find out that there is no practice today
Great day for all you guys!!!