Well, those tales of my early demise are surely exaggerated ;-) Now I'm not saying I'm the same guy from 6 weeks ago,
but now I know everything there is too know about me. This is what ya get having some of the finest legal and accounting minds
crawling up your arse to find where I have the golden goose stashed away!
Literally they took stock of my life - no self reflection needed here - I for me, one for asshat brother, one for bastard brother and a bucket for the taxman.
This was even after we spent weeks deciding on a few packages to offer them in settlement.
Guess they figured I'd keep the "good stuff" Yeah, why would I want my things?
On the bright side the judge excluded the document I asked you guys about the signature on. It might of won me the decision had it been included but timing kept it out
But that might be a blessing - it by itself might constitute a codicil (amendment) to the estate.
Being all handwritten gets it in past the uber lawyer-ed up extra witnessed document a Will is.
We will serve them our counter-suit on Friday.
Will be online some now that this is finished, be good to see you mob again.
I have one task to focus on, the only task never done by me in my business career. I need to lay off some folks.
It's enough to make me spit. Can't explain, I'd rather drive my brother out in the desert than do this..
[MENTION=11620]trailboss99[/MENTION] Yacht club kit can finally be sorted I'm back in MC for awhile now! Hat NP but shirt size? will send pics of this seasons gear.
[MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION] How's the renaissance man keeping? Kids off to school? Lots of lawyer stories to share with ya. ..
Next time you want to take a trip, even if I get busy the boat is always there ;-)
[MENTION=100824]ChrisM305[/MENTION] Chris, how is fatherhood treating you? Is it what you expected? Have many questions for ya
Sorry I haven't been in contact, didn't want my misery anywhere near your wonderful event.
I am very happy for you and all your about to experience, embrace every moment it is going to fly by!
[MENTION=51261]wooky492[/MENTION] Mate, hope the challenging times are behind us both. Look forward to hearing how you and your clan are fairing.
[MENTION=96530]DocHolliday[/MENTION] How are the new cars treating you?
I'm sure you are moving em out as fast as they arrive (financing guys keepin up?)
[MENTION=99457]FiloViridae[/MENTION] Mate! Thought of you and my other Manhattan friends on the 11th. Hope you and yours were miles away or when the dust cleared safe and sound.
Everyone connected to NY changed from those events, I know I have. Used to have a house in Montclair.
First time I haven't been there on the anniversary. I don't usually let life get in the way of my commitments but this isn't usual days for me :-[
[MENTION=113530]yllekp[/MENTION] Gonna cool off soon. .. good time to bring out the Guinness! Way overdue on a visit to my Dublin office, let you know as my plans develop.
[MENTION=42327]Raddave[/MENTION] Many a time sitting in court I thought about what graphic you'd come up with to size up these asshats that are dismembering me
[MENTION=6572]txrob779[/MENTION] Traveling Texan Messiah himself, Question for ya:
How many acres do ya need to bury a 200 lb grade A turd in? And him.. I mean it not be found?
[MENTION=35350]ALE7575[/MENTION] I found a pig in my neighborhood! I will send you a photo and see if you can recognize it
@bkg How is the house coming? You must be getting really close?
Wish I had time for a project like that, your soo gonna love it!
Whats with you having a vaca in the south of France and me not hearing about it??
This is one summer every toy is in the barn for others to use I've been way too busy :-(
Next time let me know!
[MENTION=31616]Phil G[/MENTION] Crazy, I'm in court and this one lawyer
starts talking ancient English common law ideals and I think of you and the stuff you post
Thanks for the grin in the middle of the unpleasantness.
[MENTION=57107]DR3M3L[/MENTION] Sites still here! Thanks kindly for that
Hope the summer has been good to you?
[MENTION=73591]JAFO[/MENTION] Was having an urge to show my junk off to the opposing council a direct influence from you? I will always wonder
[MENTION=69907]jai04[/MENTION] Manila trip is off for the rest of this year but I might relocate on your side of the world. Means more trips so I'm sure my Pino friends will talk me into staying awhile!
[MENTION=93698]Retina[/MENTION] Opening an office down your way if round 2 in my legal world doesn't go my way. I have lots of questions
I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of guys but, outta time lawyer calling in a couple mins :-{
THANK YOU ALL, you kept me sane in a very hard time in my life.