Just found out we are out of mayonaise.....I mean, like out !! The world is coming to an end honey. We are doomed !!................. gotta go out and get some..........now !!
I am having an amazing night, won a gift card at golf, got home and saw that I won the AP 15400 raffle! Damn this is a great day!
I am having an amazing night, won a gift card at golf, got home and saw that I won the AP 15400 raffle! Damn this is a great day!
I had a great evening tonight. Got the biggest baddest jar of mayonaise earlier. Now I can breath easy. Whew !!
Good Morning Gentlemen,
I just shaved my face for the first time this year. Not diggin' it. Time for another grow out.
I am having an amazing night, won a gift card at golf, got home and saw that I won the AP 15400 raffle! Damn this is a great day!
Hey bkg!
Great to hear you are still in one piece!
You should post some pics when it's all done man! We are all awaiting to hear what the deal is with the voting.
What's going on fellas? I'm working on my day off. End of the month deals in order. Doc's got to close! :sFun_mischieviousbi
What's going on fellas? I'm working on my day off. End of the month deals in order. Doc's got to close! :sFun_mischieviousbi