Good evening boys! How are y'all doing?
Shoutout goes out to: [MENTION=42327]Raddave[/MENTION] [MENTION=69777]bkg![/MENTION] [MENTION=3613]cybee[/MENTION] [MENTION=69907]jai04[/MENTION] [MENTION=105085]JBowen[/MENTION] [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION] [MENTION=93965]junbug5150[/MENTION] [MENTION=56255]Subjeff[/MENTION] [MENTION=53471]Fiveostang[/MENTION]
Hey QT hope all is well, great to see you back man!
Here in MN we have some weird weather, it snowed all day but it's almost 40 degrees and obviously it didn't stick but it came down all day.
So here is a story that [MENTION=96530]DocHolliday[/MENTION] and you others may enjoy!
This morning after a dentist appointment as my oldest daughter and I were on our way to drop her off at school (with less than an inch of snow on the ground) I spun out, not once but 3 times. With that said its the first time in 15 years that I really spun out and wasn't able to correct it..... I made it to school safe and my daughter was on time after a few detours, handwaves and apologies to oncoming traffic.
I went home and as I turned into our driveway, my car started going sideways again

and I ended up IN the mound of snow next to my driveway (from snowblowing) with the car spinning all four on what I think was demonic ice as everything else was melting except that. Well after rocking, kitty litter, 2x4's and everything else in the book for about 45 minutes with all the neighbors (that I have pulled out of ditches and helped many times) driving by with a nod and a wave my wife and I, yes the wife came to help, we got the car loose and back into the garage

Looking at the spot afterwards it looks like it literally slid and sat on compacted snow and that demonic ice as it looked like table mountain when the car came loose at last and the noises of scraping under the car were no fun at all.
I will check out the front bumper and fender / spoilers and undercarriage in the morning to asses damage but otherwise it's all good I think.
Just a day in the life of being Minnesotan I guess.
Hope you all have a great day/ night!