any hints as to what you used to get a little texture? killer as always, mate
modeling weathering paints for the sun faded appearance.any hints as to what you used to get a little texture? killer as always, mate
Not on the raffles case. Considering adding them but on gen examples. Some have them somw dont. Ruby case doesn’t. I think that the 5513 did. As did the double ref. But not the specific 5517. Ot maybe its just over chamfer on those?
well for a military watch 5517, it makes senseNot on the raffles case. Considering adding them but on gen examples. Some have them somw dont. Ruby case doesn’t. I think that the 5513 did. As did the double ref. But not the specific 5517. Ot maybe its just over polishing.More mysteries
Looking good, does the case has engraving ?
Is this a stock HR or did you do any mod on it?