I know I took some (or attempted to take some) comedic liberties with my response to golfman's review but I had no intention of starting beef or upsetting anyone. I simply took issue with the way he is presenting this watch in a vacuum and overlooking every major flaw on the watch. My suggestion is to go look at the 15400 from JF or ZF and see the difference yourself.
If we are talking about actual quality, from my experience with Gen and other reps (I have owned the JF 15400 v3 and v4 - blue), I would give this watch about a 3/10 from the pictures he has posted. I apologize if I came off as over aggressive in any way, it was not my intention at all although I see now that my first comment may have been a bit inflammatory. Just wanted to give my side and point out some inconsistencies I saw using a bit of humor. I hope he enjoys his watch.
As a gen AP owner (among the current collection 2x 15400 and 2x 15500), I can easily use the same “humor” when an owner reviews any rep royal oak and you can be sure I can justify whatever low score I give to the rep. It’s all relative you see so let’s not go there.
But I digress. Yes OP may have overlooked major flaws, but he also paid $57 for his watch, and within that context, the watch quality is good for what he paid for. Same for a $500 JF or ZF15400. There are flaws aplenty too but for $500 the rep is a very good watch. Any principle you apply on the dhgate rep VS the ZF/JF can be applied to the ZF/JF VS gen scenario.
I like the effort which OP has put in to review a $60 watch and it’s an option for guys who are curious about the watch. When we talk about any watch quality, JF or ZF isn’t the ultimate benchmark. The gen is. Yes this is a replica watch forum but we assess how good a rep is by looking at how it measures against the gen everytime. Owning a JF/ZF does not give you the right to pick on a dhgate review. In the same way I’m sure you won’t like to see a ZF/JF review being ripped apart by someone who owns or knows the gen. Different prices, different league.
Just let him post whatever he likes if he’s not breaking any rule. Many of us enjoy his reviews even if it’s from his point of view and not wholly accurate. It’s a $60 watch and a million dollar review I know.
Members here choose to buy gen or ZF or DHgate. Let’s be open and not disallow reviews of watches we don’t choose to buy.
Like QueTip implied, OP has not broken any rule. You’re well within your rights to give any watch any score you want but please recognize his right to write reviews of any watch the way he sees it.
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