at this point screw it ill get it too, pls share the source... do they also carry the other colors?
since you're going for the strap.. one huge, HUGE tip i can offer is make sure the strap is made/done by someone who knows the dial and can match the hue/turqoise exactly. it makes a huge difference in its presentation.
look at my own beach.. this was right after it was finished.
I ruined the strap so i had to get a replacement and well.. it doesn't quite, "match up".. i can most definitely tell the difference.
i'm not sure if the person who built my beach knew the one who made the strap but basically i can't get it now because they're retired

so i have to "settle" for this replacement strap i sourced off of italy. maybe in time the turqoise would fade to match the dial

eventually.. maybe.
there's a reason you seldom see the Beachtona and that's cuz it's hard to match up all the pieces required to make the recipe work.