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Cool story about a modder and why we should keep our eyes open

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This situation sucks... but what I want to know is how can some “modders” get away with charging for services without being supporting vendors?? If I tried to charge for brushing on a sales thread I would get crucified, but some people can?
Hardly seems fair... especially in this case when I don’t see any actual brushing, gen or otherwise, going on.


Known Member
So OP has repeatedly stated that money isn't the issue. His biggest issue was that the dial was changed into an inferior one without the modder telling him. Kinda like the modder was attempting to pull a fast one. (OP feels like the modder was trying to scam him from his better dial)

Then the modder comes in and says that he put in another dial because the OP's dial does not fit. And he gave the dial that did fit as a gift. (Meaning he gave it for free and intended to send back the OP's dial with the watch too.)

Now a member asked something which I think is important. Did the modder tell OP about changing the dial and giving it as a gift before? Or did the OP notice the dial change first, so the modder had to come up with an explanation. Because OP feels like if he hadn't said anything about the dial, he probably would have gotten the inferior dial without the modder saying anything.

This question still has not been cleared by either side.


Active Member
With all respect to connor, from what I got from this thread, I think JD doesn't seem to be a bad guy.

So what I understood is that connor send the watch and the dial to JD and JD told him that the hands won't fit and the LV dial as well. It's not a gen dial and the value of the noob v7 dial is not that high either.. Why would someone scam a rep dial unless it's a TC or something? Jd should have told him that he installed another dial. Connor told him to leave the dial and movement not installed which JD did as we can see in the picture. All in all, I guess that's a big misunderstanding between two grown men. Maybe connor would send the watch to JD one more time and let him finish the job with the correct dial?

Johnny Depp

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Queste sono le foto


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I'm Pretty Popular
Vi scrivo in italiano. Spero che qualcuno riesca a tradurre!

Questo ragazzo mi inviò parti compreso il famoso dial HULK. Comincio i lavori...vedo che il dial e per 2836...monto il dial che avevo io noob v7
Sbagliai a non avvisarlo prima
Gli mando le foto, lui mi dice che il dial non è suo, ed io gli dico che ha ragione
Purtroppo il suo non è per 3135 ma per 2836. Da lì comincia a dirmi che non era possibile, che il suo TD gli mandò uno per 3135. Mi disse di lasciare tutto com'era
Che mi pagava tutto il lavoro e che gli spedivo tutto. Io convincevo a finire il lavoro, ma lui insisteva di mandarli tutto indietro, facendomi capire che fossi un ladro. Gli spiegai che per montare un dial 2836 su un movimento 3135 si doveva incollare. Ma insisteva nel mandare tutto indietro! Allora io feci così...al momento di pagare fece storie, non voleva pagare
Io gli dissi che se non mi pagava non spedivo nulla. Continua a prendermi in giro
Mi fa chiudere il pacco, poi me lo fa riaprire per parecchie volte, per i pezzi
Poi mi chiese di finire il lavoro
Ma io ero molto arrabbiato dal suo comportamento. È gli mandai tutto indietro ma con orologio montato in cassa
Era solo da cambiare l'inserto
Mi ha pagato per: spazzolatura, revisione e spedizione.

So che adesso è una grande occasione per
I membri che mi danno addosso da un bel po', per le mie vendite in m2m
Ma ho più di 200 vendite fatte in questo straordinario forum.
Con altri lavori da svolgere!

Mi dispiace per @connor86 , può essere anche un bravo ragazzo, ma io non farò più lavori per lui. Non si è comportato bene...

Questo è tutto, se ho sbagliato saranno i moderatori a decidere non i membri che mi sono addosso da un bel po'!

Chi mi conosce sa chi sono e come mi comporto! Chi ha ricevuto consigli e lavori

Vi saluto con grande rispetto

This is the translation:

I am writing to you in Italian. I hope someone can translate!

This guy sent me parts including the famous HULK dial. I start work ... I see the dial and for 2836 ... I did the dial that I had noob v7
I was wrong not to warn him before
I'm sending him the pictures, he tells me the dial is not his, and I tell him he's right
Unfortunately his is not for 3135 but for 2836. From there he begins to tell me that it was not possible that his TD sent one for 3135. He told me to leave everything as it was
That paid me all the work and I was sending it all. I was persuaded to finish the job, but he insisted to send them all back, making me realize I was a thief. I explained that to mount a dial 2836 on a 3135 motion I had to paste. But he insisted on sending everything back! Then I did so ... when he paid for stories he did not want to pay
I told him that if he did not pay me I did not send anything. Continue to get around me
It closes my package, then it makes me open it several times for the pieces
Then he asked me to finish the job
But I was very angry at her behavior. I sent it all back but with a clock mounted in the case
It was just to change the insert
He paid me for: brushing, revision and shipping.

I know now is a great opportunity for you
The members who give me a good deal, for my sales in m2m
But I have more than 200 sales made in this amazing forum.
With other work to be done!

I'm sorry for @ connor86, he can be a good guy too, but I will not do more work for him. He did not do well ...

That's all, if I'm wrong, the moderators will decide not the members I've been doing pretty much!

Who knows me knows who I am and how do I behave! Who has received advice and work


So connor actually got a movement service and brushing of his bracelet for €225, that seems like a completely fair deal to me.

I also understand JD not wanting to send back his other parts until he had paid that, as he at that point had already done the service + finishing for the hulk. This is just blown way out of proportions. Should never have been a thread tbh..


I'm Pretty Popular
So connor actually got a movement service and brushing of his bracelet for €225, that seems like a completely fair deal to me.

I also understand JD not wanting to send back his other parts until he had paid that, as he at that point had already done the service + finishing for the hulk. This is just blown way out of proportions. Should never have been a thread tbh..

No he never offered me finishing the work, after i noticed the dial was different.
At a point i offered the watch as a gift and just asked the other parts back to me because a shit like that is not even a watch, he refused and i paid for what you all see


This conversations

Photo removed by staff

Sorry but this does not address whatsoever why you didn’t brush Per request, or a number of other items, and nowhere does the OP’s lack of education or bad treatment of you show up (not that him being upset would be a reason to mess around... but it’s clear he saw a big mess and said at this point put my Dial back). Does that mean you have no further responsibilities that were included in the 225 price? The OP tone is extremely cordial albeit disappointed. There is not a hint of anything improper other than a bit of cordial frustration. I understand Italian perfectly and you have cherry picked screen shots that don’t show OP responses. I would suggest you not rely on the fact that users don’t speak Italian. There are plenty who do.

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you thought I wanted to steal the dial. I also gave you my noob to make you understand that I'm not what you think.

You pay service, brushing and shipping

did you receive your dial ???

did you tell people?

Chiaramente ha detto che ha ricevuto tutto. CHIARAMENTE.

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I’m not sure guys you understand my intent.
The story is closed. I paid for a crappy piece, i was wrong, i was right?
That’s not important even if i think i’m clear water right.
Just sharing my story

Bravo sei troppo gentile.

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I'm Pretty Popular
That’s not a work.
Keep the whole watch with you.

I don’t pay for a shit like that.
You feel offended. It’s your problem, we’re not friends. A work’s a work when finished.



Jesus, can we just get a third party (italian) to read the entire conversation from whatsapp


So OP has repeatedly stated that money isn't the issue. His biggest issue was that the dial was changed into an inferior one without the modder telling him. Kinda like the modder was attempting to pull a fast one. (OP feels like the modder was trying to scam him from his better dial)

Then the modder comes in and says that he put in another dial because the OP's dial does not fit. And he gave the dial that did fit as a gift. (Meaning he gave it for free and intended to send back the OP's dial with the watch too.)

Now a member asked something which I think is important. Did the modder tell OP about changing the dial and giving it as a gift before? Or did the OP notice the dial change first, so the modder had to come up with an explanation. Because OP feels like if he hadn't said anything about the dial, he probably would have gotten the inferior dial without the modder saying anything.

This question still has not been cleared by either side.

OP called him out on the dial swap

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