So when police raids in China, but the watches are in UK, where is the timegrapher?just wondering...
So when police raids in China, but the watches are in UK, where is the timegrapher?just wondering...
I am ASKING. Not spreading. Man stop bering toxic and dont "talk" to me. Stop NOW!
back to topic.
I'm not being toxic but i hate stupidity and fake news being spread around. " but the watches are in UK, where is the timegrapher?" you need to visit a Volkshochschule and go learn English again because your first comment was trying to portray sead as someone dodgy. Please contribute something good at least once in your life.
I also received my QC two days ago from Sead with no timegrapher.
All those timegraphers tell you is if the watch is ticking. They are pretty worthless.
Agreed, i dont care much for them. I didnt even reply and ask him for it.
All those timegraphers tell you is if the watch is ticking. They are pretty worthless.
I must disagree.
I personally do not check if the watch is going -1 or + 15 for example. I really don't care about this.
But what I do check is Amplitude, beating error and the graph which is shown. This gives me a really good picture about the health of the movement without looking at it.
I’m not talking about what you do. When used properly a timegrapher is a great tool. I’m talking about what the TDs do when testing. They test the watch in one position.
As I reported in another thread, I received word today from my TD (Chazingtime) that VSF might open next week. The key word here is "might".
gilrob can u confirm if VSF is open or not? i got an order on a hulk at trustytime, so would be nice to know if VSF is confirmed open