BT panda subdial rings seem extremely glossy also. CF dial is a bit stale in colour but in some light actually looks pretty good.
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The btf writings seem faded, those of the Tiffany one look better
both have unmarked lettering, but these lights accentuate the defect. Live they are better.
Sorry but in these pics, I prefer BTF over CF. I can't unsee that blue hue on the CF dial.
I hear ya, problem is, I can't unsee the long subdial hands on the BTF :cry2:
in this photo you understand perfectly what I mean. the numbers and the bars that are imprinted in the counters of the CF are too evident, and it is as if they took away that black effect from the counters. They seem too full of writing. Main reason why I'm trying the BTF, besides the blue of the dial of course ...