I think the white spots around the insert are fibers from white gloves. Ceramic doesn't scratch like that, and in fact rarely scratches at all. You CAN scratch it, but it becomes more of a slightly different shade scar of the same color, in a straight line from the offending implement. A scratched aluminum insert could look very much like your pics but there is no white interior color in a ceramic insert, they are solid color throughout. A ceramic insert forced into a bezel well with that much force would crack well before chipping dozens of little pieces off. I believe a few dabs with Rodico would remove all that white debris.
I totally get your position on the serial number 3. Personally I think it's kinda cool. I would view it as a factory defect, which sometimes even Rolex makes. I guess you wouldn't be up for wearing one of these, lol.
Double Nine Gonzo!
Hope you get a better one next time bro, we all have to meet own criteria. And we all have some things that are dealbreakers for us that are different from others. No point in buying something that bothers you just because someone else would.