That looks cool! Great job, always wanted to know how it looks without all the lettering. World time and illuminator could go as well - just Casio looks simple and clean imho.
That looks cool! Great job, always wanted to know how it looks without all the lettering. World time and illuminator could go as well - just Casio looks simple and clean imho.
I tried removing world time and illuminator, but ended up removing some of the silver on the 1st watch. Ended up returning/exchanging it. So with the 2nd, I'm not doing the same to it.
Same thing happened to me.
I used Goo Gone with Qtips and rubbed very gently.
After about twenty minutes with little progress (some of the letters were getting faint but still a long way to go) I noticed a spot where the silver was already coming off.
I started rubbing harder at that point, thinking what do I have to lose because it's already messed up.
Guess I'll be ordering another and probably leave as-is unless someone can offer good advice.
I left the wr100 but I think it looks pretty cool!
Very nice, clean and simple... I feel like I should get the all black?
Looking good... Nothing better then treating a $20 watch as if it was $2000.