Have any of you guys had the chance to see a gen SD in person ? I'm wondering if the gen crystal is worth the trouble. What concerns me the most is the sharp edge of the BPSD crystal and the height of course.
I'd appreciate any input on this!
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Have any of you guys had the chance to see a gen SD in person ? I'm wondering if the gen crystal is worth the trouble. What concerns me the most is the sharp edge of the BPSD crystal and the height of course.
I'd appreciate any input on this!
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Thanks Maron.adrian says the genuine crystal is really nice, but whether or not it's worth an extrea $300 USD is subjective. @Thrasher can comment, but I belive he told me he wasn't confident that it was worth it to him.
I have to say the WSO crystal on mine was a huge improvement over the stock BP crystal, but I guess the chamfer is different to the rolex chamfer. I can't say it bothers me. And no I have not seen one in person.
I think @Thrasher said it has been improved from earlier. Mine had the milky chamfer. The wso is much nicer. Maybe Thrasher can't do a comparison between genuine, BP new, and wso.Thanks Maron.
I was hoping maybe the newer bps have an improved crystal. That's why i asked. Really hard to find a gen sd and compare.
I wouldn't mind speding extra on a gen crystal as long as the bp is clearly wrong. But i remeber somebody hear said that the bp crystal is not as bad as they say. So i assumed maybe bp improved the crystal along the way.
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I'm gonna try and do it myself. I have all the tools needed at work. @Thrasher help
My BPSD crystal is not good at all, typical lack of clarity of cheap sapphire crystalsI can verify mine does not have a milky chamfer and I was looking at my friends crystal height and the gen is lower. Clarity on my stock BPSD is great and really couldn’t justify the cost for a gen or wso replacement.
I can verify mine does not have a milky chamfer and I was looking at my friends crystal height and the gen is lower. Clarity on my stock BPSD is great and really couldn’t justify the cost for a gen or wso replacement.
Mine is pretty clear. So did bp improve the crystal along the way ?My BPSD crystal is not good at all, typical lack of clarity of cheap sapphire crystals
Thanks Shawn, mine doesn't have a milky edge as well. Actually the edge is pretry sharp and quite blingy. I also think the crystal sits too high though.
Can you post some pics with your buddy's gen crystal ? Does the gen have a sharp edge or is it rounded ? In the pics on hqmilton for ex. it seems the gen crystal has a slightly rounded edge.
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Thanks. Make sure you take a closeup of the edge. That's what i'm most curious about.Unfortunately he just left on business but I found a good pick on the net. When he gets back I’ll take a pick.