Urm, you can’t call it a franken unless you have gen parts in there.
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Ok I see… I will call it “mix” !
Urm, you can’t call it a franken unless you have gen parts in there.
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Having had the gen for awhile, I honestly feel it really doesnt matter, the biggest tell is still genuinely the Dial for both and the handstack for the ZF. From afar, the ZF dial is more difficult to call out, but up close, they ar are both bad. Out of all the Thin sports pieces, I still feel the factories nail the Nautilus (3KF, PPF) and the Overseas Ultra thin extremely well (XF).
Thanks. On a scale of 0-10 where would you put the blue XF and ZF dials if 10 represented the gen's?
Joust to give an exact idea about the difference between the XF v1 (right) and the XF v2 (left) here you will see the different dial sunburst effect.
Which dial do you prefer between the two, and think is more accurate? Thank you in advance for any input, bro.
As I already wrote, an old watchrepairer friend of mine says that is more ‘gen like’ the v1 with a stronger sunburst effect
Thanks. On a scale of 0-10 where would you put the blue XF and ZF dials if 10 represented the gen's?
Can't legend re-color AP rep dials? If so then dunno if his mod modifies sunburst.
Id say they are both around 5 to 6/10.
If we look at 3KF and PPF's nautilus dials. Those would be 7-8/10.
BUFF's nautilus dial would be 9/10.
the one on the left is closer to gen...the watch on the right is not reflecting light like a AP jumbo.
For me, the ZF 15202 is good enough. Yes it is not exact but neither is the XF. As always each model has their plus points and both are reps.
This is the 15202 we are talking about, the believability of wearing one is the main consideration. These are supposed to be rare and coveted in real life and if one starts seeing more than a few wearing it in his circle, something must be wrong, tells or flaws aside.
So if one likes the 15202 and desires a replica then the ZF will do just fine. For such watches the wearer will always be the main tell (or convincer). This watch isn’t sold by AP to just anyone who walks into the boutique. You need to have a meaningful business history with the brand to be considered for this watch. So while discussing flaws and such everyone ought to remember this and be grateful for the replica available.
Well right now if one wants to buy a 15500, its 5~6 ROO to built up a "history" before being in line for the 15500 (and we are not talk about the blue dial here)
.... i didnt even want to ask about the 15202.
100% agree with the flimsy part lmao, first time I held the gen, it suprised me.Yes sir you’ve described it right. You get it.
So when everyone is talking about how this or that is flawed on the 15202, they ought to also remember to know how to answer the “how did you manage to get that watch?” question which will pop up sooner or later.
The replica 15202 gives everyone with $500 to spend the opportunity to wear a watch which would feel very similar to the real deal, which is flimsy in feel actually. Yes the hand base is too big and the dial isn’t perfect and it has a host of flaws but it’s a $500 watch and not a mythical unicorn like the gen counterpart. I think guys beating on the details of the watch just need a mirror to see the biggest tell of any rare and coveted APs isn’t the watch per se but the owners who wear them.
Reps are supposed to be fun and worn for amusement. Of course they will have tells.
There are 2 ways to successfully pull off any watch one wears:
1. Wear the gen confidently.
2. Wear the rep confidently.
I think wearer confidence is more important than any tell of the any replica.
100% agree with the flimsy part lmao, first time I held the gen, it suprised me.
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I do not and never owned the gen 15202 but handled a couple at the boutique when one was sent in for service by an owner and when my friend collected his.
To be very honest both times I felt that the watch was underwhelming and not built like the typical modern AP (15500, 26470) I’m used to handling. Yes it’s thin and easy to wear and that’s the best I could say about it. Didn’t like the dial or the outdated movement. Didn’t like the flimsiness of the bracelet as it lacked the typical heft and solidness of stainless steel AP bracelets. Of course that’s just my personal opinion. I understand that it’s a very popular watch with many others. I just do not have chemistry with the watch.
I own 2 APRO SS reps, a ZF 15202 and a tourby skeleton. I like the filmsiness of the former and the heft of the latter. :thumbsup:
the latest 15/16202 is nowhere flimsy compared to a 5402 (or pre 2012 15202) or a vintage Rolex Submariner for example (60ies)....
more seriously, there are days for the delicate and filmy stuff, there are days for the more bulky beaters....