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What is the Risk to Us?

  • Thread starter d4m.test
  • Start date


Hi, gang!

Just a quick note for discussion. What is the risk to us in engaging in the buying and selling of replica watches? I ask in all seriousness because my wife watched the "Today" show yesterday & witnessed a discussion of the federal government's crackdown on replica and other counterfeit goods. She's become VERY concerned for me about being arrested, jailed, losing our financial assets, etc. No amount of assurances placated her -- e.g. the crackdowns are on dealers and suppliers, not necessarily individuals.

What are your thoughts on this? Do YOU fear being caught up in the round up? What exactly are the risks to us?

Thanks for any input you can offer.



Legendary Member
I don't think they care to much about the average joe or jane who has a few rep watches, bags, or sunglasses, or whatever it is. I would think their main focus is the dealers making large funds from counterfit goods, profits, not paying taxes, and breaking the law.


Active Member
Yep, they wouldn't give us "small fish" a second glance! They are after the MONEY! Lost tax revenue and the lawsuits that go with copyright infringement.


Athletic Supporter
The Evergreen State
We've had this discussion before and even had members with legal credentials (USA) chime in. As I recall, once a single piece is in our hands--on the street--the feds could care less. Owning a rep in the US is not illegal, was one statement made. Not sure if that's accurate.

Although selling is another matter, enforcement will realistically be targeted as sub describes.

"tommy_boy is fined $200 for owning a rep Sinn" is not a headline.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
We've had this discussion before and even had members with legal credentials (USA) chime in. As I recall, once a single piece is in our hands--on the street--the feds could care less. Owning a rep in the US is not illegal, was one statement made. Not sure if that's accurate.

Yeah I agree its not illegal to own reps, even if it was the government is too busy wasting money trying to find terrorist. While it is illegal to sell reps as gens the government doesn't care unless someone complains to them. I would say we are safe until reps are illegal. I have seen reps every where not just in Chinatown, some store on prime land sell reps so they can pay there rent, if they buy gens they will lose money.


I'm Pretty Popular
Personally, I am stocking up on reps. The whole internet crackdown and shutting down of Chinese replica goods sites has me a little concerned about availability. May be just an excuse to buys more reps, but it's my story and I'm sticking to it :)


Legendary Member
I was told years ago that if we buy replica's then from a legal standpoint we become importers of counterfeit goods, but I don't know about all that. In any case I wouldnt fear anything at all, we are just a blip on the radar screen.

North Korea is producing nearly 100 million in fake benjamins, let the Today show go after the real criminals LoL and don't let the scare tactics get to you. Just tell your wife cybee says everything is OK and not to worry.

mike 8

Legendary Member
I don't think they care to much about the average joe or jane who has a few rep watches, bags, or sunglasses, or whatever it is. I would think their main focus is the dealers making large funds from counterfit goods, profits, not paying taxes, and breaking the law.

I grew up in N.Y.C. I see all the vendors on the street selling fake "swag" in plain site. It took me 5 mins. of searching online to find you guys and your trusted dealer list.
I wouldn't worry Dave.
I might be a bit over rational, but the counterfeit trade keeps people employed at the federal, state and local level...
If they truly wanted to shut it down...they could


Mythical Poster
People that have money to buy $20,000.00 watches aren't going to buy a $300.00 fake to save money..... There's plenty of business for the AD's out there....


Renowned Member
You mean you guys knowingly bought replica products? I just thought I was getting a great deal on my 10 Panerais, 4 Breitlings, 2 Tag Heuers, 2 Bell & Ross, 2 Patek Philippes, 3 Chanels and 5 Ulysse Nardins. Why else would I buy so many........certainly not to resell.


Active Member
In the US only selling reps is illegal. Buying and possession are fine.

That said, I'm honestly over reps. I run in circles where gens are prevalent so I've made it a point to only own what I actually could own in gen form if I worked at it: 16610 and a PO, both frankens. Somehow I feel better about it this way...


Ah, yes, I feel safe, now; esp. knowing tommy_boy's defense is ready to kick ass and take names!! Thanks to all for the assurances. (Uh, whenever one of you brave souls wants to chat with wifey about this, I'll put her on here, heh!)



I'm Pretty Popular
As I understand it (and please feel free to educate me if you think I'm wrong), owning reps is completely legal. Selling them is completely against the law. Purchasing them falls into a grey area somewhere in between.

Think of buying a replica watch as one single transaction.

If the authorities catch you in the act, there could possibly be legal repercussions. For example, if they believe that you buy 100 watches per month, they can, and probably will, use this single transaction to press the issue. If they think this is a one-off, or you're too tiny a fish to waste time and effort on, then they'll probably just roll their eyes and let it go. But that's IF they catch you in the act. The sheer volume of counterfeit goods traffic is...phenomenal. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these single transactions occurring every day. As a result, the likelihood of you being caught in the act are extremely low.

Doesn't mean it CAN'T happen, just that it usually doesn't.

But once your watch gets in your hands (or around your wrist), you're all good.

"Where'd you get that?!" "I found it."

The penalties for being caught purchasing counterfeit goods can range from absolutely nothing to a somewhat hefty fine, or jail time, etc. It all depends on how big an operator the authorities think you are. John Q Citizen is not going to get tossed in the pokey for buying a watch. John Q Watchdistributor just might for selling it to him.

When I first started to collect replica watches, I had visions of losing my license to practice anesthesia if I got caught, or ending up sharing a cell with Bubba.

Those concerns are largely gone by the wayside, now. I don't buy a zillion watches per week, and I damn sure don't go into an AD wearing a rep watch.
Don't call attention to yourself. Don't have customs recording 10 packages a week to your address. Be smart. Avoid scrutiny. Enjoy your illicit criminal merchandise.

Bottom line: It's an illegal activity, kind of like smoking pot. If you're smoking an occasional doobie, you probably won't get caughgt. And if you do get caught, it probably won't be a big deal. But if you're selling 500 pounds of weed a week, you're more likely to get caught, and also face bigger penalties.




I'm Pretty Popular
as i understand it (and please feel free to educate me if you think i'm wrong), owning reps is completely legal. Selling them is completely against the law. Purchasing them falls into a grey area somewhere in between.

Think of buying a replica watch as one single transaction.

If the authorities catch you in the act, there could possibly be legal repercussions. For example, if they believe that you buy 100 watches per month, they can, and probably will, use this single transaction to press the issue. If they think this is a one-off, or you're too tiny a fish to waste time and effort on, then they'll probably just roll their eyes and let it go. But that's if they catch you in the act. The sheer volume of counterfeit goods traffic is...phenomenal. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these single transactions occurring every day. As a result, the likelihood of you being caught in the act are extremely low.

Doesn't mean it can't happen, just that it usually doesn't.

But once your watch gets in your hands (or around your wrist), you're all good.

"where'd you get that?!" "i found it."

the penalties for being caught purchasing counterfeit goods can range from absolutely nothing to a somewhat hefty fine, or jail time, etc. It all depends on how big an operator the authorities think you are. John q citizen is not going to get tossed in the pokey for buying a watch. John q watchdistributor just might for selling it to him.

When i first started to collect replica watches, i had visions of losing my license to practice anesthesia if i got caught, or ending up sharing a cell with bubba.

Those concerns are largely gone by the wayside, now. I don't buy a zillion watches per week, and i damn sure don't go into an ad wearing a rep watch.
Don't call attention to yourself. Don't have customs recording 10 packages a week to your address. Be smart. Avoid scrutiny. Enjoy your illicit criminal merchandise.

Bottom line: It's an illegal activity, kind of like smoking pot. If you're smoking an occasional doobie, you probably won't get caughgt. And if you do get caught, it probably won't be a big deal. But if you're selling 500 pounds of weed a week, you're more likely to get caught, and also face bigger penalties.

Jmo. Ymmv.


Perfectly said!!!!!


Active Member
Perfectly said except he's wrong. Buying is legal, owning is legal, selling is illegal.

Selling, the pot analogy makes sense: If you sell your friend a joint once or twice or sell a watch or two on the forums you probably won't get busted. Go into mass production and you're running a much higher risk. But just like the NYC cops look the other way on Canal St, there are cops that look the other way on drug dealers too. The world is a messed up place and the authorities have much bigger fish to fry then a few of us morons with some fake watches...


Supporter 'smith
Perfectly said except he's wrong. Buying is legal, owning is legal, selling is illegal.

Selling, the pot analogy makes sense: If you sell your friend a joint once or twice or sell a watch or two on the forums you probably won't get busted. Go into mass production and you're running a much higher risk. But just like the NYC cops look the other way on Canal St, there are cops that look the other way on drug dealers too. The world is a messed up place and the authorities have much bigger fish to fry then a few of us morons with some fake watches...

I dont and wont ever do it. But why is it a no-no to talk about reps outside of our circle(forum) if its legal? Is it just to not draw attention, since we have TD's among us?