YES, and here my 2cts why:
Since you are new here
I suggest first to read ALE guide, you will find it in the stickies, this will provide you a good grasp on the REP game, the market dynamics, the players, the models...
Then on the PAM section of RWI there are great guys, the consultants, who do provide valuable insights and opinions on releases
So it is advisable to read the first thoughts of guys like ALE, KILO, MYSTERIO, POLONUS among others... They do have an eye for details and are pretty involved in supporting us.
Obviously this is your own decision ultimately but I would hold off, moreover there are words that KW, another factory, is to release a 127 as well.
there is a silent war between ZF and KW in particular, KW bringing in slightly more quality products overall, but most importantly the prices tend to take a dive when new factories are competing
and final note, you are basing your purchase decision on a prototype albeit nice looking but this is not the final product
just a bit of patience
enjoy the ride young jedi