I've learned to be less anal about reps now. As you have said as long as it makes you happy that's all that matters. The fact that a $500 rep comes quite close to a $10k - $40k watch is a miracle in itself and we should be grateful for that.
The vast majority of the public have never heard of AP or PP and even the ones who have will not have enough knowledge to call you out. That is if you care about being called out.
As you always say, enjoy the watch for what it is - a very good looking time piece that looks more expensive than it js.
I also enjoy the massive savings!
The 15500 is a very good rep, as good as an AP rep can get given the Miyota 9015 movement, and the cost of the watch. It is good looking, and it definitely looks a lot more expensive than it is.
In real life, it can also (if the wearer desires), be presented as a genuine Audemars Piguet watch. The owner of the watch will know that it is not a gen, and often in real life, others will perceive the watch to be authentic or otherwise based on their perception of the wearer. The most important "mod" when wearing any rep is to wear it with confidence and sureness, and forget about the trivial flaws which the wearer knows about, and often projected as the perspective of what others see.
If one cannot stand being called out, gen is the only way to go, because of the projection of perspective practiced by many wearers. Even if he is wearing a super franken, he will know that it is not a gen and hence, worry that others will have the same knowledge.
Any physical mod performed on the watch seeks to improve it to the wearer's satisfaction and allow him to view the watch in a more favorable way and allow him to also be confident wearing it in the presence of others. Sure, when asked, many guys will deny that they wear the watch purely for themselves and to hell with the rest of the world. This sentiment holds true for some guys here I know, but for many others, this is not the case. A lot of guys will mind being called out for various reasons, and the chief reason is how being called out makes them feel about themselves and the watch.
For those on the fence about the ZF15500, get it, because it is one of those few reps which I struggle to tell the rep from the gen when it is on the wrist. The only salient tell for me is the dial color and finish when the watch is worn on the wrist, and that is why I am working on a dial refinish to bring the rep dial color, texture and finish closer to the gen. Can I make it 1:1? no I cannot. Can I make it such that most wearers can believe that the watch is actually an AP on the wrist? Yes I can. I own the gen, and I know what the gen looks like and feels like. I believe that if it can pass my scrutiny, it will pass the scrutiny of most people in this world.
So yes that is why I am spending time to work on the dial mod. It is effectively the only visual tell of the watch when it is worn on the wrist. By working on it, it is possible to create a super rep, at least visually.