Hi everyone, do you know if there’s a way to know which is the best rated TD ? Do you know which is the most reliable one in the TD section? Many thanks for your answers recommendations.,
...the one that sells you the desired piece at the price and in timeframes you are comfortable with.Best TD is......
While I respect Lucy and her skill, I would not recommend her to someone new. She would drive him crazy with the wait...A very subjective question
I have used most and with mixed results
Some have been great and others completely rubbish (lying etc and had delivered a different item than requested)
I would not recommend Lucy but that is my personal experience
I would not recommend Lucy but that is my personal experience
I completely agree they are not for impatient people& that's the point proven
I have used Lucy since day 1 & no issues, but agree with @Karbon74 she is not for the impatient.
So you could ask 20 different people and get 20 different answers.
OP - Bottom line is, your money so your decision to make, there is no 'best'.
sometimes in Naples, you wonderIt alien? Oh sorry.
Having a special connection to Italy, Naples and Sicily in particular, it makes me go "huh? " sometimes.sometimes in Naples, you wonder
never used them, but I like their namepersonally i have only used dealer clocks, probably four or five times, everything has been ok, and dealt with problems when needed to, like everybody says…. patience is key
I like it also that they carry actual wall and desk clocksi can definitely recommend them but like i said they are the only ones i’ve used so can’t compare to any of the others