Guy's, we cannot have Foxes, or any wild game as pets in Texas. She comes and goes as she pleases. In the woods, she follows me like a puppy. Only problem is, if I shoot a squirrel for supper, she will snatch it faster than I can get to it. LOL!
She gets within 5-6 feet of me when I'm at the bench. Often, She will curl up, with her thick tail over her eyes, and go sound to sleep.
I don't encourage her to get closer, nor do I pet her, as Rabies is rampant in this County.
She has never offered to bite ,or offered any other type of hostilities.
She is very smart. Unlike a Dog that has to be trained, I can point to a spot on the ground, or in a tree, and she will trot over and check it out. She does this naturally! I've always heard the term, "Smart like a Fox. Well, they really are!
I had NO idea they could be so smart, and for whatever reason, loyal! If a strange Fox comes around, she will get between me and it. She is very protective of me.
The watch posted, is a 571 KW-V6, in Ti. For reasons known only to the KW makers, the hands and indexes are very bright. But the 12 and 6 look almost like older Rep lume.
Strange to say the least!
I would love to change the dial for a 305 or 087 dial. Those really POP!