Watch box is getting a little full these days, how do I tell my 4 year old some of his watches need to go [emoji850][emoji88]
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For God's sake, man, realign that bezel! Please! My OCD!!
Just assembled this watch from pieces. Did it just to see if I liked the 45 or 42 better.. man, I really can't decide what size I like better.
I'm thinking of just frankening the 42, and seeing what happens. I just don't want to loose a ton of money. Man, I'm super tossed up.
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That 42 mm looks really good man! Why not keep both? I have three pumpkins and would take either one of those. All of mine are 45 but I really like the look of the 42 as well.
I'd keep them both and Frank and one of them
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That 42 mm looks really good man! Why not keep both? I have three pumpkins and would take either one of those. All of mine are 45 but I really like the look of the 42 as well.
I'd keep them both and Frank and one of them
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Read my update [emoji23][emoji23] I endured the post.
I think I'm going to keep them both. Franken both. And turn the 42 into the model with this style dial and black bezel.
And keep the 45 as a franken UPO pumpkin.
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Went back and reread it. Lol!
Was stuck at a long red light so I popped on. Looked quickly and thought u were just going to Franken one of them and lose the other. Lol!
Serves me right for just glancing.
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It does! Thanks!! However, I'm going to search for a half link as well.
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