What are you listening to RIGHT NOW!
H hyunseed Do not accept unsolicited offers 21/8/15 8 0 0 15/11/15 #1,522 KPOP for lyfe. IU - Twenty-three. I'm not a 23 year old girl, but I still love the lyrics.
C cybee Legendary Member 23/11/06 11,134 30 48 21/11/15 #1,523 Christian Scott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I73T9yLdoH0
X xAlbanian This member is doing hard time, they pissed off the goat. INMATE 11/7/15 60 0 0 21/11/15 #1,524 Linkin Park - In The End https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4
R Rocat Do not accept unsolicited offers 21/11/15 9 0 0 21/11/15 #1,525 Cocteau twins Heaven or Las Vegas
Steelfish Hǝɐpᴉᴎƃ ꓭɐɔʞ ᗡoʍᴎ Ոᴎpǝᴙ Staff member Administrator Certified 5/4/11 30,086 1,483 113 Firmly Under The Jackbooted Heel Of The Wife 31/1/16 #1,527 For my friend.... [MENTION=27726]BADWIN BING[/MENTION]
P pressureworld Getting To Know The Place 24/7/07 34 1 8 GA 2/2/16 #1,528 Shabba Ranks - Roots & Culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp9YG2bGMv0
D d4m.test Guest 6/2/16 #1,531 Jennifer Dias, Kizomba from the Cape Verdean Islands for a change, a sensual touch mixed with a slower African rhythm:
Jennifer Dias, Kizomba from the Cape Verdean Islands for a change, a sensual touch mixed with a slower African rhythm:
R Rc12345 Getting To Know The Place 9/11/15 24 1 0 8/2/16 #1,532 My 6 month old dughter screaming,good times.
C chrisb Renowned Member 1/7/13 690 0 16 23/2/16 #1,533 My wife telling me not to buy a watch again...
W Whitefire98 Known Member 14/2/16 168 2 0 10/3/16 #1,535 Got the TV going in the office. Watching basketball tournaments.
Z Zeinharis I'm Pretty Popular 17/1/16 1,352 1 0 13/3/16 #1,536 Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
Z Zeinharis I'm Pretty Popular 17/1/16 1,352 1 0 14/3/16 #1,538 Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
F frankcannon Getting To Know The Place 26/5/12 58 0 0 15/3/16 #1,540 Coldplay - Paradise. Although got Deezer on random play so who knows what it next!