What are you listening to RIGHT NOW!
Steelfish Hǝɐpᴉᴎƃ ꓭɐɔʞ ᗡoʍᴎ Ոᴎpǝᴙ Staff member Administrator Certified 5/4/11 30,086 1,483 113 Firmly Under The Jackbooted Heel Of The Wife 8/10/15 #1,502
W watchdog21 I'm Pretty Popular 22/4/15 1,002 214 63 FLA in the USA 9/10/15 #1,504 WOW, Lindsey is an amazing violinist and performer, putting out some great videos.
D dawid Getting To Know The Place DO NOT TRADE WITH ME 8/2/13 30 0 0 13/10/15 #1,507 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh2FRFhS7QY
J Jooc10 Active Member 17/3/15 493 15 18 22/10/15 #1,516 been listening to random people singing drake's hotline bling while out today.
X xpletiv I'm Pretty Popular 3/3/10 1,144 1 36 22/10/15 #1,517 To some asshole talking behind my back. Er, waitaminute.......
F FGRX Getting To Know The Place 8/11/15 19 0 0 8/11/15 #1,520 an album of epic proportions - incredibly intricate and intsense