Ones that grow on trees!
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:wave-1: bye little one.
Do you own a single rep or gen? Or do you just jerk off to pics other people posted hoping one day you can work up the courage to blow your brains out?
Sent from the RWI App
it might seem wise to me if the moderator closes this topic
Do you own a single rep or gen? Or do you just jerk off to pics other people posted hoping one day you can work up the courage to blow your brains out?
Sent from the RWI App
I am new to this forum and I notice that most of the members have an incredible amount of knowledge about watches. I can imagine very well when new members come in without introducing themselves and without reading in properly and going straight to the question "best sub" causing irritation among the other members. I follow this completely, but let's help each other a little too.
Furthermore, it might seem wise to me if the moderator closes this topic and new members who apparently continue to misbehave, even after various warnings from other members, are put on hold.
Whoa dude, do you go down on your father with that mouth? You need some serious help or maybe you just need to put the crack pipe down.
Do you own a single rep or gen? Or do you just jerk off to pics other people posted hoping one day you can work up the courage to blow your brains out?
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