Always welcome GingerBubba.
I am not sure what you see in pictures. But trust me in real life both noob v11 and the GEN look identical. The only difference my eyes can see is the magnification of the date. This is my 4th replica watch and it is by far the best.
I’ve read a lot lol should I have asked what’s the best noob v11 zzf v3 or the RF V3? You could point my in the direction of what to read but no your being a pretentious cock sucker prick that thinks your better then someone using a form for what it’s intended to be used for
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You've read a lot: what they're saying is....keep reading.
Ok, I'll spoon-feed you. But you're not going to like the answer... The best sub (arguably) is the TC 11610LN version 7x (with the Pennsylvania gun factory bezel). Some (again, arguably, because you're clearly asking for OPINIONS here) would say that TC'S 11610LV surpasses the LN for overall gen-like quality. Now, as to the reason you won't like this answer... TC no longer makes these jewels, so you'll need to monitor this board very often (constantly might be more like it)... because whenever a TC sub comes up for sale, it's snapped up quickly. Here's a link to a longstanding thread where TC owners show off the goods: Show off your TC Subs...
Except that TC manufactured 16610, not 11610
Thanks! I corrected my typo.
Who makes 41mm sub lv
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No worries. But you're still referring to a different watchthe 5 digit Kermit vs.the 6 digit Hulk
Ah, you're correct of course! The headline clearly is what grabbed me, and I erroneously read right past that little four-letter word "hulk." Oh well.
You can’t, that’s why we’re here!
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Is there something wrong with you ?