hour markers at 12 are a bit crooked. ..but crown guard being off?
Looks truly amazing. Any rotor sound?
Guys, I ordered mine from TD Puretime and the watch has some serious issues in QC, I mentioned to them they basically said take or leave it.
Then what is the point of them being a TD.
Might be the last one, also depends what the issues were, please divulge
I was told the same thing from Puretime yesterday that my watch was the last one and there is a 1-2 month wait. I accepted since it was minor flaws. we shall see.
[video]https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI3NDY4NTU3Mg==.html?spm=a2h0j.11185381.listi tem_page1.5!20~A[/video]