I’m not one to get into zoomed flaws, but the location of the first R misalignment needs to be fixed in V2. It’s sadly in the most noticeable position, anywhere else on the watch would be fine, but it just too obvious at the top of the watch.
VSF or ZZF , what you think about it ?
VSF or ZZF , what you think about it ?
Both are great reps, it all comes out to what matter the most for you. I like vsf case, cw and movement, hence why I went for it but I also had a zzf in the past and it's a good rep.
buy them all. get them all side by side. keep best one.
in case of needing to mix and match to get best one, do that.
VSF is almost perfect. Just the hour hand and the Mercedes sign is too fat. Is it instant call for you guys ? Or it can pass as gen ?
Thers video and pictures been put up on reptime
qc video of mine thats already been approved. expect to have it next week. fingers crossed
Just for reference, since some of you guys have no idea how a LV should like, here are some pics lol
This is one of the last 116610LVs sold. Check how visible the Halo effect is, it really makes the difference.
Thanks for sharing, some pages ago another kind soul Share pictures of his Franken LV in different lighting conditions. I want to see how the vsf dial looks in different lighting conditions, glad that some of the members here are already getting their QC pictures.