Talked with Li today, stand-alone bracelet purchases won’t be available until mid-February due to CNY. Thinking of a Jubilee as well…
Just replace it with a CF bracelet, they use the ARF bracelet, far better SEL fitment and it’ll also get rid of the horrendous catfish mouth shaped gap you currently have at the front of the clasp.
Daaaaamn! I own a 126610 from the pre-raid era and have worn it maybe a handful times because i just can't live with this "catfish" grimace. I have often thought to address that somewhere or to look for it over here. Just did not know how to describe the problem. RWI is a freaking rabbit hole! The possibility that someone else has already addressed this problem somewhere is immensely high. Just finding it via search is the challenge! Now I'm happy to have read this and to know that I'm not alone with the problem! haha! Maybe I'll find some more infos with "catfish", if this is already a term for that kind of clasp! Thanks!
If it’s only the clasp that’s bothering you, no need to change the bracelet, just the clasp. I genuinely couldn’t wear mine with original VSF clasp as it was so horrendous. If your happy with the SEL’s just replace the clasp
ForecastMax, you bring up a good point, I would only want to add 904 components. I assume the CF bracelet is 904? And the clasp?
Thanks for the update Nick. Was thinking to try one of those CF bracelets even if I consider my VSF pretty good.
If it’s only the clasp that’s bothering you, no need to change the bracelet, just the clasp. I genuinely couldn’t wear mine with original VSF clasp as it was so horrendous. If your happy with the SEL’s just replace the clasp
Oh, right! Yeah, SELs are great for me! But this huuuuge mouth I cannot stand!
CF bracelet is off the menu. The SEL's on the latest ones are no improvement over VSF. They have quite literally lost their edge.
Here is the latest CF 41mm Oyster bracelet on the CF124060..
..the SEL's are the same are VSF - shallow, soft edged, lacking any defininition.
For reference, this is what we're talking about when I say crap SEL's (illustration borrowed)
Where’s this mouth I keep hearing about?
CF bracelet is off the menu. The SEL's on the latest ones are no improvement over VSF. They have quite literally lost their edge.
Here is the latest CF 41mm Oyster bracelet on the CF124060..
..the SEL's are the same are VSF - shallow, soft edged, lacking any defininition.
For reference, this is what we're talking about when I say crap SEL's (illustration borrowed)
So we should ask precisely for the CF 126610 models?
I am seeing more inconsistency among 116x series
Its hyperbole. there is no part of the watch that resembles a mouth - a catfish one or otherwise.