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The Rant Thread


Renowned Member
United States
hk45ca said:
this has been addressed before, keep your public drugged and you keep them under control.

http://www.amazon.com/Prozac-Nation-Eli ... 1573225126

I believe there is a lot of this going on. I think it's largely due to kids who grow up in a culture where red pens are abolished because they cause undue stress to the children being graded. Sports where no one wins, and everyone gets a prize just for playing. Relativism meaning what's right for you is ok for you. No overriding right and wrong. Turn these ninnies loose in the real world and their fragile, cultured sense of self esteem is shattered. Poor baby. That's what happens when you let the media and the "village" raise your child.
Been in clinical settings before; you can usually tell who's genuinely FUBAR and who is there for attention. Put the whiny ones through a round or two of shock "therapy" and once they get around to remembering their own names again they'll plead to go home.
Some of us are only out because of certain meds, which do not include Prozac. They do random screens, and if you're not taking your proper meds you go 5150 again.
Prozac doesn't do anything for axis 2 disorders, and is not part of my intensive outpatient. Hell it doesn't even work for the axis 1 stuff, parts of which it is designed for.
TV drugs and the media that supports them. Pure twaddle.

Well, this IS the rant thread, no?


Renowned Member
fakemaster said:
I just renamed this 'The Rant Thread' because I want it to be a continuing statement about what's on my mind and yours. Sometimes you just have to vent. Like yesterday. I saw a report where some guy was arrested for try to assasinate the Prsident....with a shoe. Oh I'm sorry..TWO SHOES! Apparently Mr. Bush doesn't have any idea what an assault is. I've been in harm's way more than that lodido will ever be and I assure you it's not an airborne Hush Puppy. Then I have to listen to that pussy O'Reillly talk about what he would have done to the guy. He'd piss his pants if I ever showed up at his doorstep. Anyway that's my rant for the day.

What say you? :roll:

Since he was in theater, does he qualify for a CAB? ;-)

I'd love to read that write-up... "there the CDR-in-Chief was, in the heat of combat, dodging dangerous makeshift flying caliber 11 wide sleepers... twice attempting to take his life... but like a Jedi Knight, he maintained his cool under fire,... thus should be granted the Combat Action Badge"


Active Member
As a boy I was always taught to never discuss politics & religion when meeting new people, but this whole mess got me ranting & raving.
Recently our hazardous Government announced a new initiative effective immediately called 'The Economic Stimulus Package', costing hard working Australians over $10.40 billion to help low income families through this global financial crisis. My understanding is to be eligable, if your a non high achiever, not employable or just hanging out in strugle street, our fearless leader will give you in the way of a Government hand out a $1k bonus just in time for christmas @ a national address telling everyone to spend it rather than save. Whilst theres not alot of opposition out there being a generous gesture, what I don't get is telling everyone to spend there hand outs makes moronic sense. Isn't this behaviour of what got us into this shit in the first place. Australia have been laying back getting showered by riches from the China boom causing a massive increase in household consumption, debt we all couldn't fly over & morgages our annual salary wouldn't cover. How many friends do you know with the HUGE big screen, latest surround sound & flash cars on a checkout chicks income. I am a strong believer of if you can't afford it then don't buy it. And now our Government rather than suggesting to pay off some debt or put the bonus toward thier stretched morgage says SPEND! Australia SPEND! Go figure?


Mythical Poster
The Christmas Day Massacre. I'm sure you have heard about it enough that I don't have to tell the story. I have read the details and heard the 911 call. This is a perfect example of how you should never...never...EVER rely on the Police to save you.

Oh and expect that your friends and family will ascribe to the bear theory which is...

I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to run faster than you.

On a lighter note someone did live out a fantasy many of us have had.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/12/27/mov ... index.html


Getting To Know The Place
We live in a world run by sissies and S**t talking a**holes. Parents who don't disipline there children with anything stronger than "please don't do that honey " and that complain and call it abuse if a kid gets spanked. Then wonder why the world is so screwed up.I believe there are too many laws and restrictions what happened to a good paddling.when i was in school it was like a badge of honor there are no more "rights of passage".

I now understand why old folks complain about "kids" because every generation gets softer. Men are expected to be female "metrosexuals" and "emo" kids abound it's sad to see kids so distraught there (inmo) is nothing wrong with sub-culture but sub-culture is supposed to be rebellious. This is the start of old people saying "Those damn kids are wrist cutting p**sies" WTF. Welcome to a not so brave new world where prescription phamaceuitcals cure your bored houswife syndrome and ADD. Where homeland security laws invade i mean "protect" your privacy and the goverment sanitizes the world for your protection.

end of rant :evil:


Mythical Poster
I should rant too.

How could My Own Worst Enemy be cancelled but there is a new game show called 'Hole In The wall' where contestants make shapes with their bodies?

And why did CNN have Jack Welch of all people on to critique Obama's performance? There is nothing useful that he could possibly tell me.


Getting To Know The Place
"Hole in the wall" never heard of it generally if it's not on discovery,comedy cental,travel,or adult swim im totally lost. I have heard of my own worst enemy though.
As far as ranting rant away. [smilie=cussing.gif] [smilie=director.gif]


Mythical Poster


Getting To Know The Place
:shock: Holy Sh********t roflmao. I think they should merge with the biggest loser now thats a show. I think they knew how funny that was going to be...it was a set up. [smilie=notworthy.gif]


Known Member
Hey that looks like it was copied off of those zany Japanese game shows. They even do that sometimes on the crazy Hong Kong variety shows. Good for a laugh every so often.


Renowned Member
United States
Y8T8 said:
Hey that looks like it was copied off of those zany Japanese game shows. They even do that sometimes on the crazy Hong Kong variety shows. Good for a laugh every so often.

Are you talking about MXC (sp) ?
I've seen some of those, and they're pretty funny with the Guys doing voiceover as Kenny Blankenship and whoever the other one is.
One of them is the actor who was in Dodgeball as a commentator and Office Space as the boss with the Porsche and suspenders...Ummm, yeah....

But seriously that show, if it is real, makes me worry that we are indeed traveling down the path of Idiocracy "Ow, My Balls".
It's Got Electrolytes!


Mythical Poster
Oh God what do I do. Celebrity Apprentice just premiered last night. I taped it. I know it's a trainwreck. Donald Trump is a prime example of Daddy's money can take you a long way. But I can't help myself. It's like crowding around a car crash to see the dead bodies. I turned it on today. It started out on the USS Intrepid where Trump says it never lost a battle. Apparently never read the history of the ship. I turned it off at that point.

Should I go back for more punishment?


Active Member
I've got a bone to pick..

I'm sure you have seen it. Some of you may have even done it.

Picture Bob - a poor schlep who works in a big office building. Let's say he forgot his umbrella and was soaked in a downpour while walking in. He's late again, to make it worse, and knows his boss will likely bite his head off if he misses another meeting.

He barely squeezes through the elevator doors before they slam shut on his soaked overcoat. He hits the button for the 7th floor...Bob may avoid a reprimand after all. At least he thought so until a large heavy-breathing gentleman had the gumption to display his laziness to the world (and the rest of us..err them on the elevator) by hitting the button for the second floor. Several others used the elevator to go up two floors, and one women actually got on at 3, only to get back off at 4.

WTF ever happened to taking the stairs? My fellow countrymen/women are in general a bit more rotund than the rest of the world...and I would say that this fact is best illustrated by barren stairwells all over the country.

Damn you OTIS elevator company !!


Mythical Poster
I agree. We're the fattest nation in the world for a reason.Though I wouldn't damn Otis. That's like saying it's the bank's fault when people don't pay their mortgages. People choose to push the button or click the pen.


Mythical Poster
Some things you just don't want to see.



Mythical Poster
Esquire magazine just ranked Obama as the 4th best dressed man in the world. When did we stop actually looking at what people wear?


Active Member
fakemaster said:
Some things you just don't want to see.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit....


Known Member
fakemaster said:
Esquire magazine just ranked Obama as the 4th best dressed man in the world. When did we stop actually looking at what people wear?
Must agree with you there FM, from what I have seen of him he appears to wear decent suits, but 4th best dressed man in the world? What is the world coming to? I brush up just as well in my good suits, don't see me being listed there in Esquire. :evil:


Renowned Member
fakemaster said:
Oh God what do I do. Celebrity Apprentice just premiered last night. I taped it. I know it's a trainwreck. Donald Trump is a prime example of Daddy's money can take you a long way. But I can't help myself. It's like crowding around a car crash to see the dead bodies. I turned it on today. It started out on the USS Intrepid where Trump says it never lost a battle. Apparently never read the history of the ship. I turned it off at that point.

Should I go back for more punishment?

What a strange coincidence. I have never watched this show but the other night I switched the TV on and low and behold Celebrity Apprentice was on. I said to my wife, 'as a source of education lets at least try to watch this'. I got as far as the flightdeck of the intrepid when I declared 'that's enough of this junk' and switched to the recorded news (which was no better).

My recommendation is that you should watch every episode and report back to us on your findings. I'm particularly interested to know how the guy with the pin-stripe jacket managed to survive past puberty.


Mythical Poster
So I decide to get out of the house last night because I needed to get away. I went to see Watchmen. Now I knew it was a Superhero movie. But I didn't know they were called the Watchmen for several reasons. One of them being that the main guy Mr. Manhattan was a watchmaker's son. So through this whole movie there are constant references to time including one flashback where he was a young boy and his father was teachng him how to tear a watch apart and put it back together. As I sat there I screamed 'NOOOO WATCHMEEENNN'. Then my wife leans over and says. I know that gear on the left. I found one on the floor yesterday. I set it on your table.

So much for getting away.... :cry: