A full flavored Connecticut from a brand that originated in Cuba...
"Carefully crafted in Honduras, each Don Sixto comes draped in a seamless Honduran Connecticut wrapper, drawing you in from first glance. Nestled just beneath this flawless wrapper, a rich core of Nicaraguan and Honduran long-fillers, hugged by a Nicaraguan Habano binder. A bold yet balanced bouquet greets the senses, producing smooth, cool smoke. Notes of cream, nougat, leather, cedar, earth and a caramel-esque sweetness all make an appearance. Remaining medium in body throughout, but loaded with big-time flavor, the Don Sixto is hands down a must-try handmade."
Found the wrapper to a be more toothy than "flawless" and rather delicate but, overall, a great everyday smoke with a little punch. Relatively cheap; $75-$85 dollars for a box of 22.
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