New Franken purchase that arrived yesterday. They look so much better in person! Now to find watchmaker who can drill the case. Anybody have any ideas?
Absolutely stunning and what you say is so true. Impossible to capture in a 2D image.
Where are you? There are modders / watchmakers all over the place that could maybe drill for you.
I am in the US (Florida). There are a few things I want to address like the lug holes and the bezel is quite hard to turn. So not sure what could help bezel.
I know it is a bit of a trek but USPS can be a great friend lol. misiekped is in NY
He has seen more 16613s and 5 digits than I have seen hot dinners.
Proud to post here my new 16613LB from Depp
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Lucky you!! Looks great. How does the 5 digit compare to your old 6 digit reference? I know how much you loved the 6 digit. Personally I love the look of the 6 digit reference but on the wrist the 5 digit looks and wears much better on my wrist.
Mine says hello: