So guys be patient for some weeks... I will be and will order one when it will be available!!!!
G giobo Respected Member 6/5/10 3,407 2 0 24/2/12 #61 So guys be patient for some weeks... I will be and will order one when it will be available!!!!
G glippy01 Active Member 8/9/09 355 22 18 1/5/12 #62 Any updates on a possible "official" TC Sub? I don't want to be pushy just curious.
A ajs914 I'm Pretty Popular 26/11/07 1,320 0 36 1/5/12 #63 It's a done deal. I think the only offcialness is that he is listed as a "supporting dealer". Just email TC. He's had an ad in the parts section for a while now. He also has a forum on Repgeek.
It's a done deal. I think the only offcialness is that he is listed as a "supporting dealer". Just email TC. He's had an ad in the parts section for a while now. He also has a forum on Repgeek.
C correctime Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 28/5/11 1,434 1 0 2/5/12 #65 Has anyone heard anything on the expected availability and/or price of the TC Bracelet v3 ?? This "Ultimate SEL" fit will do wonders for many I think.
Has anyone heard anything on the expected availability and/or price of the TC Bracelet v3 ?? This "Ultimate SEL" fit will do wonders for many I think.
F Fidhle007 Active Member 13/8/11 463 0 16 2/5/12 #66 It sounds like it will be a few weeks until he's back in China at which point he will follow up on the project. This is just rumor from RWG though...
It sounds like it will be a few weeks until he's back in China at which point he will follow up on the project. This is just rumor from RWG though...
D d4m.test Guest 2/5/12 #67 Very nice lookler; from the pics, the cyclops looks ok to me, as 2.5x magnifies a lot. Wear it well! dave
Very nice lookler; from the pics, the cyclops looks ok to me, as 2.5x magnifies a lot. Wear it well! dave
A arcadia Respected Member 11/8/11 3,383 3 0 2/5/12 #68 I wouldn't mind that SEL, even if I have to sand if off to fit. I'll get one.