No crystal here, it has a hovering Cyclops.
Lol, that is what it looks like! I just found your post. It's a gen Crystal that prof applied 2ar. Hope mine looks like that later today! Amazing!!
No crystal here, it has a hovering Cyclops.
Lol, that is what it looks like! I just found your post. It's a gen Crystal that prof applied 2ar. Hope mine looks like that later today! Amazing!!
What is the cost of a prof crystal?
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That picture form garyb is an astonishing beauty,
I´d love one too, but to get exactly that result,
including how the cyclops looks it will cost You
"It's a gen Crystal that prof applied 2ar."
Complete mod (it´s a mere estimate):
gen Crystal: $350
prof 2 ar: $100
sending to a modder to install: $100
postage: $30
Total: give or take
$580, peanuts compared to gen, a fortune compared to the rep
You do all Yourself, You already have a crystal-press and use the rep-crystal:
prof 2 ar: $100
postage: $15
sounds a lot better.... (if You don´t mess the keyless or crack the insert or crack the crystal)
No, he sells the complete xtal for around $160. That's what mine is, it's NOT a gen xtal.
No, he sells the complete xtal for around $160. That's what mine is, it's NOT a gen xtal.
Thanks for the update and pricing info
All taken in, it sounds like a well feasible alternative to the gen crystal
He quoted me $90 per crystal plus shipping. I'm going to have him coat my TC crystal for my 16610 and I bought a gen non AR w LEC crystal from rsh that I will send to him for my 116610. Once he answers my Pm, that is. >.>
I also plan on having this done on my DJ2, and any other "new" style Rolex I may acquire. Seems to be a less expensive alternative to the gen crystal(s).
PM him here @rnprof or on RWG he goes by "ProfSteve." Best of luck!