Getting To Know The Place
- 4/8/22
- 98
- 57
- 18
Wow! you guys got some fast tracking compared to mine. I ordered and paid in full on 3rd. Got QC pic/vid on same day and approved it. I had to email Steve for tracking info and on the 7th he emailed me USPS tracking number with the watch in its cover and picture of the USPS label next to it. It's the 15th and still no update on USPS or LTexp site.
@silentelephant @Evox Are you guys typing the USPS tracking number on the LTexp site or there is another tracking number you guys are using for that site? Hopefully Steve was able to ship the watch out as he had it on hand/in stock at the time of purchase.
Yeah, the USPS tracking number is the one that you use. Is it showing up on the USPS website? If the label was created the USPS website should reflect at least that.