Members, while this has been said for years, it begs to be refreshed.
RWI fully recommends that you DO NOT SEND YOUR WATCHES BACK TO A TD.
If your watch is broken, the wrong watch, or anything, I suggest the following:
- If it is broken, we have a whole section of trusted Watchmakers section here:
- If it is broken, ask your TD if they have a watchmaker in your area or somewhere that is not in China. Some of our TD's have partners in EU and US.
- If it is the wrong watch, sell it on the M2M to recoup your funds. There is a huge chance that the watch you got is a watch someone else is searching for.
- Ask your TD for a discount or credit on your next order.
We must understand that TD's are taking enough risks shipping the watch to us. These are counterfeit items that are illegal in China. Most possibly, the return shipping could heighten the risk on their end and your watch could be lost. It could also take months for them to finally get your watch.
I understand the human aspect of this whole situation you might be in. You might be new to the rep world and you're fucking excited to get a rep to show off to your watch to your social circle, maybe its a mental fable too. Could be a societal and mental fable you've concocted and you feel powerless about making it a reality now.
But, like with anything in life, you MUST take a step back and re-think these situations. The only thing RWI asks you is to read and ask questions. We have tons of data in here that can answer your questions, if you don't find an answer? ASK.
jetspeed out.