Your collection never ceases to amaze me P, and I know I've only seen a very small part of it, again some real crackin' pieces above
I'm almost ashamed to say I did buy a cheapo Quartz Daytona a while back from DHG, one of those late night punt a few dollar at the cheapo and see what arrives purchases .......................
$30 shitter, as is often the case, the pictures looked nothing like the POS I received, I haven't even taken the wrappers off the fuckin' horrible abomonation. Worst bits are the plastic bezel is awful, wrong centre second hand and the tinny bracelet
So, we have a grandson who has CP visiting us soon, he's a lovely lad, I was thinking of giving it to him, but tbh he lives in a rough area down south and would probably get mugged by the local oiks, or worse still they'd take the piss outta him if they looked at it closely.
So, the dilemma is, since I actually own this POS, it keeps good time, should I try and get a ceramic bezel and a hand set, I have decent SS Oyster Bracelets in stock, then I suppose I could wear it occassionally and have a good laugh with anyone who might actually comment on it ????????????
My wanky old workshop camera actually makes it look better than it is