The answer was yes. Took it to a smith to get the job done though. Took about 15 minutesMy PO doesn't have any arrows and it has grooves in the pins.. Does that mean I can't use this method?
Hello, I share the same experience as Paul. Had no problem with my Omega received from Narikaa.I received my PO yesterday. As I have a very small wrist, I had to remove four links (two from each side of the bracelet). I have to say that I didn't have any difficulty to do it, despite several comments about what is described as a nightmare. I didn't spend more than 15 minutes to do it.
I must admit though that in the past I had to remove links from bracelets many times, so I could say I'm experienced in this kind of stuff.
Now, my PO has the right size for me :
I check the screws on all my Omegas regularly. They are a pain to try and get again so I learned my lesson after a screw fell out of my SMPc but no damage done thank goodness. Other option is to glue them in with a light Loctite, you will need to heat them to remove them so for me this is an extreme option lol. Also when using glue make sure yuou have cotton wool with some acetone based nail polish remover at hand to remove any glue spillage.Hi, I hope this Thread is the right place for this:
Yesterday a Link of my PO bracelet opened itself and the watch fell on the concrete. I got lucky and the watch got away with minor scratches.
The reason seems to be, that the screw of the link got loose and fell out. The metal Pin followed, so the whole link collapsed. Is there a way to stop that risk? Do i have to check the screws regualry or is gluing the screws in place an Option?