much time I see a post turn into a war zone what a BS.
In buying a nice PAM I totally trust the opinion of Ale!!!!!
Thanks friend
SAD really SAD.
As PAM Section Moderator, I could (really I should) have edited and even to give an infraction for the “hurtful†previous post. But being involved myself, I preferred to leave it like that.
You cannot imagine how much time I spend preparing PAM GUIDE and reviews to inform people about the issues, advantages, good and bad things, researchs …
Always making studies, photoshoping, analysis, comparisons, consulting catalogues, consulting with dealers and makers… OMG
And always the more difficult thing: to decide about the final advice to write.
I have no need to get a conclusion. But I know people need some final advice and they are waiting for a useful advice or a definitive answer.
Usually people are nice and grateful, I receive countless encouraging mails and PM form members, dealers and even makers, but sometimes we get sad things like above post.
My job and opinions are clear and published !! , here you have my threads and posts to know about that. They speak by themselves:
- I have evaluated as Super reps many Noob, H maker and DSN reps in my PAM GUIDE, advising the purchase of these reps. Indeed I own a lot of them.
- I published two huge threads about the Last Step to the Gen of one of the best replicas ever made: PAM 111 Noob V3.
- You can read many post of mine recommending my PAM 390 H maker as my preferred PAM, the same with my H maker PAM 212 and 253 chrono.
- If you read my HBB V6 thread you can see my support to these group o reps from V6 maker. I own many of them
- Many times I have written about my preferred reps: the old HBB from H maker. I got several HBB H.
I have never received offensive comments about above posts
What is the matter with Kuvarsit watches?
Why am I receiving attacks for saying that KW has made a good rep, very GEN-like? However, I have received nothing when I announced good reps from H maker, Noob, DSN or V6…. I don't understand it.
Should I get some conclusions like my attackers do?
No, not at all. Many times we forget that this is a Hobby, that we are no professionals and we are here for and with pleasure.
Sometimes too I’m getting a little tired.
Sorry to need writing that
Always trying to help