Mine was kind of long and tedious, but I'll break it down:
1. Ketchup bath with old toothbrush to get it sparkling clean; rinse off with water and dry with paper towel.
2. Break up one hardboiled egg (without the shell) in a plastic bag; place watch in the bag and push the broken up egg around -- almost if you were going to salt crust a fish.
3. Leave in the bag and push out all the air for 24-36 hours. (This process kick-starts the patina)
4. Take out watch and throw away egg; rinse off watch in warm water to remove the little piece and dry off with a paper towel.
5. Break up 2 hardboiled eggs and place in the bottom of large plastic bag. Place the watch head toward the sealing edge of the bag.
6. Make sure to keep a separation between the watch and eggs, blow into the bag to inflate it before you seal; it should look like a balloon with neither the bag nor the eggs touching the watch.
7. Flip the watch head every 12 hours for 2-3 days, making sure to reinflate the bag every time you flip. (This part creates a slower, more deliberate effect without any heavy/light spots; some greening, but mostly darkening as if you were using sulphur).
8. Take a small plastic bag and fill with one cup of warm water and 1/2 cup of salt (I used sea salt). Hang that bag from a pants hanger (the ones with the paper tube on the bottom) by puncturing the bag with two large paperclips and then hang it from the pants hanger.
9. Take another paperclip and wrap it around one of the spring bars. Dunk it in the water, then let it hang above the water line in the bag by wrapping the other end of the paperclip around the pants hanger. Leave the bag open.
10. Leave in there for 2 days, hanging from the opposite spring bar after the first day. Redunk the head in the water after you flip. (This increases the greening effect)
11. Take out, wipe clean with a paper towel and let sit in front of a window for a day or two to set up.
The only that sucks about this is that you likely will have a hell of a time turning the bezel if you can at all. I think this the best out of all that I have seen because its not overdone IMO.
Have fun!