Only 170 of the gens produced, already going at auction for $6mil, easy way to get busted is to rock one of these reps
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But here the question arises. Why would I ever try to pass a rep as Gen. I'll rock this watch because of the color not because I want people to think I Can afford it. Reps are about fun not pulling them off. That is garbage the people on reddit talk about to flex their lifestyle.
Yeah reps are a billion dollar industry because people want to find watches with the colors they like ????????*
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How would I buy from buff? is he on the forums?
He has a WeChat: watchbuff just message him there
IDK if it was already posted but 3kF is already working on the watch and first batches to be ready around Xmas
IDK if it was already posted but 3kF is already working on the watch and first batches to be ready around Xmas