Looks gen to me!
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Refinishing genuine 6 digit subs? Please show us.
Looks gen to me!
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These zf’s are super solid ootb
cant wait for puretime review!
Still haven’t bought it eh?
Apparently vsf is now using the Oct updated clean factory bezel. It apparently has slightly updated platinum colour and more coverage on the edge. Anyone know if zf is also using the Oct update or still the April version.
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The zf insert is very bright, and gen like. So what version is purely academic at this point
You’re right irrespective of the version whether April or oct version it’s all gen like with very minor adjustments. I was just asking if people know which version is currently being used for zf that’s all.
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They say latest. Definitely updated from zzf v2 one
You are correct, it’s my gen
It really does show how good the sub reps are at the moment, and it’s getting hard to distinguish them from gens, even in blown up photos
Sel recess
Sel recess
Ugh. after mulling things over for the last month I was about to order this one over the VSF, but now having to reconsider.
I spent a year and a half staring at the goofy flush SEL of my Noob V7.
I ain't going back there guys. I ain't going back.
foozoo58 - Maybe ZF will unchain you from the radiator if you fix this for them?
EDIT - but in this picture, it looks soooooo nice....