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Mythical Poster
Krieg said:
Hi everyone; as you all know OMEGA is the ancient greek term for the letter "O". The autority is not Bond but History itself!!
You have to drop all those "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and learn how to pronounce correctly; for the anglo-american: the correct "e" pronuciation is similar to the sound you hear when you pronounce the word "FRENCH" ...............
Omega is a Swiss company, therefore it can be pronounced in either French or German. Origin of names means nothing, I'm afraid, or else we'd all be asking for people called Robert to pronounce it "roberre" or calling President Bush "Horhay".


The whole Omeeega thing is, by the way, a joke, in case you'd missed it.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
pugwash said:
Krieg said:
Hi everyone; as you all know OMEGA is the ancient greek term for the letter "O". The autority is not Bond but History itself!!
You have to drop all those "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and learn how to pronounce correctly; for the anglo-american: the correct "e" pronuciation is similar to the sound you hear when you pronounce the word "FRENCH" ...............
Omega is a Swiss company, therefore it can be pronounced in either French or German. Origin of names means nothing, I'm afraid, or else we'd all be asking for people called Robert to pronounce it "roberre" or calling President Bush "Horhay".


The whole Omeeega thing is, by the way, a joke, in case you'd missed it.

I'm not talking about names origins; I'm talkin about the symbol of the Omega brand: ? it is the ancient greek O term and it is pronounced as I already said.