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Not having good luck with GEN PO


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Then go elsewhere, plenty of other threads. The guy is as entitled as you are to post whatever he likes (within reason). I think you are just envious of someone who has a spouse nice enough to buy him such a great gift.

While I agree it's not an upper end watch (not even middle of the field) I wouldn't want a brand new watch with a buffed out scratch either. For 4k that's not acceptable to me.

Thank you for understanding! There are some people that are reasonably minded.

Completely agree that it's not some upper end watch, but as an engineer (ie - im not a business man that makes stupid amounts of money by honest or dishonest methods). it's a big deal to me for my wife to spend that much money w/o a second thought about the amount. To me, it means a lot and hope to pass it on to my son.

Yes, it's probably not the right place to post this, so apologies.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
This jewerler is screwing with you. He is "trying to get a new one" yeah...right. They aren't trying to do anything and hoping you will just stop asking and not come back anymore.

These watches are a dime a dozen, they are mass produced and overpriced.

Simple, return the thing, get a refund, say goodbye, go someplace else.

Or, return it, build a Franken for less, and it will be 99% of the way there and save several thousand dollars.

It is going back! I'll find some other place to get a perfect specimen.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Bro !!! Bring it back to the local AD!
I Love and i hate Omega! Omega is an expensiv Swatch for me... Sorry to Say...

My Story ?!

I bought an Omega PO Kal.2500 complete Orange... Pay Something around 4k
I had this Watch 2 Month around... And i hadn't worn it much! After the 2 Month the Movement Stops. I walked to my AD Show him the Watch and he Say to me, wie Must send it to Geneve...
Ok send it to Swatch Group Geneve...
And then the Funny Things Beginn! The Customs ask me if it is really my Watch? And why i send an Watch to Geneve... Jesus !!! What has my local AD done? Nothing! That is the normaly Way...
Ok After 3-4Weeks i go my Lovely back... All was Fine so far...
After 2 days i was woundering why my Date is on the Same Date as 2 days before...
Hrmpfff... The Datewheel wasn't Working... Run to AD again... They Say me what? Right! Send it to Geneve... Nooooo Not again... Same Prozedur :(
After 5 Weeks... There was some Holiday days btw :( watch came back...
I have Check all and watch seems Nice... But... And That's it... But! After another 1 1/2 Month i can't believe what is See!!! The Second Hand was laying on the Dial... That can't be True?!?!!! I Run to my AD... Show him... At the mean while the Minute Hand was loosen too... The AD call Swatch Group ask them if he can Open it, and fix it... Swatch Group... No... Must be send to us... Jesus!!! What the hell?!??
Again to Geneve... Watch came After another 5-6 Weeks back...

I was thinking if i sell the Watch or if i Wear it only at Special days... :D

But i have Say Hey it is an 4k watch and that is Not only for Special Days... Then i had so around 3 Month Fun with it...

And what should i Say? The Movement Stops again... I Run soooo frustrated to my AD... It was a really shame for him, it wasn't his fault...
He talked again with Swatch Group and send it again to them...

I Show him my in the mean Time ordered UPO v5 :)

I Say'ed him what i have Pay'ed... For that v5 and that i had it worn in this Time Where my Gen was in Geneve... He was laughing... And means and that Runs without Problems? I Say yes... And we had an Nice Discussion about Gen and Rep.

Then i Leave him and i didn't hear 8 Weeks Nothing from Omega or Swatch Group... Then came an Email... Wie are really Sorry about all... But the Watch was now 4x in Guarentee Time by us... And they are really really Sorry about this... And then it came... But they have an Big Problem! The Kal.2500 in complete Orange will be Not availible anymore... woooooot?
Then they Say me if i will acceppt an Black One with Orange Numbers they can give me for all the Reasons that are Happend an Kal.8500
If that will be ok for me?
I have Short think about it... And have Say at the end yes...

After 2 Weeks my AD called me, that he has an Watch from Omega got for me...

At the mean Time i had ask an Friend if he is Interested in an Kal.8500

I have sell him the Watch for 4,5k Brand New Unworn and now i am Happy with my v5 Rep. I have Buy me directly 2x v5 hehe

So i Love the PO but After all of that i hate the Gen...

I Hope and which you all the best with your PO !!!



I'm Pretty Popular
Exactly why I prefer to buy my gens secondhand. Let the first owner drop some cash on depreciation and get the first few hairlines out of the way I say. Just make sure you buy from a reliable member from WUS or TZ and don't get misled on eBay like I did

AP Boy

Known Member
The manager is working on getting a new one, which is what it was supposed to be with the one I have in my hand at the moment, as the original had the same (a bit more prominent scratches) case of scratches. What made it worse with the replacement that I have right now is that it's supposed to be from their corporate office, which is supposed to be from OMEGA directly. REALLY!!!

My theory is that they are getting returns from customers (30 day return poiicy at the store), and if it gets minor scratches, the are buffing it, putting some shrink wrap on the bracelet and calling it "NEW from the factory".

Sorry, but I look at things at work that need a lot of attention to detail, and noticing such obvious scratches is pretty clear...

I ordered UPO-45.6 yesterday, and will compare it to the GEN side by side to get an idea. I'm giving these guys one more chance to make it right with the GEN, or I'll just get it from some place else.

You may have gotten the returns from 2 other people who had buyers remorse and also looked for a reason to get their $ back. JAT


Mythical Poster
Bro !!! Bring it back to the local AD!
I Love and i hate Omega! Omega is an expensiv Swatch for me... Sorry to Say...

My Story ?!

I bought an Omega PO Kal.2500 complete Orange... Pay Something around 4k
I had this Watch 2 Month around... And i hadn't worn it much! After the 2 Month the Movement Stops. I walked to my AD Show him the Watch and he Say to me, wie Must send it to Geneve...
Ok send it to Swatch Group Geneve...
And then the Funny Things Beginn! The Customs ask me if it is really my Watch? And why i send an Watch to Geneve... Jesus !!! What has my local AD done? Nothing! That is the normaly Way...
Ok After 3-4Weeks i go my Lovely back... All was Fine so far...
After 2 days i was woundering why my Date is on the Same Date as 2 days before...
Hrmpfff... The Datewheel wasn't Working... Run to AD again... They Say me what? Right! Send it to Geneve... Nooooo Not again... Same Prozedur :(
After 5 Weeks... There was some Holiday days btw :( watch came back...
I have Check all and watch seems Nice... But... And That's it... But! After another 1 1/2 Month i can't believe what is See!!! The Second Hand was laying on the Dial... That can't be True?!?!!! I Run to my AD... Show him... At the mean while the Minute Hand was loosen too... The AD call Swatch Group ask them if he can Open it, and fix it... Swatch Group... No... Must be send to us... Jesus!!! What the hell?!??
Again to Geneve... Watch came After another 5-6 Weeks back...

I was thinking if i sell the Watch or if i Wear it only at Special days... :D

But i have Say Hey it is an 4k watch and that is Not only for Special Days... Then i had so around 3 Month Fun with it...

And what should i Say? The Movement Stops again... I Run soooo frustrated to my AD... It was a really shame for him, it wasn't his fault...
He talked again with Swatch Group and send it again to them...

I Show him my in the mean Time ordered UPO v5 :)

I Say'ed him what i have Pay'ed... For that v5 and that i had it worn in this Time Where my Gen was in Geneve... He was laughing... And means and that Runs without Problems? I Say yes... And we had an Nice Discussion about Gen and Rep.

Then i Leave him and i didn't hear 8 Weeks Nothing from Omega or Swatch Group... Then came an Email... Wie are really Sorry about all... But the Watch was now 4x in Guarentee Time by us... And they are really really Sorry about this... And then it came... But they have an Big Problem! The Kal.2500 in complete Orange will be Not availible anymore... woooooot?
Then they Say me if i will acceppt an Black One with Orange Numbers they can give me for all the Reasons that are Happend an Kal.8500
If that will be ok for me?
I have Short think about it... And have Say at the end yes...

After 2 Weeks my AD called me, that he has an Watch from Omega got for me...

At the mean Time i had ask an Friend if he is Interested in an Kal.8500

I have sell him the Watch for 4,5k Brand New Unworn and now i am Happy with my v5 Rep. I have Buy me directly 2x v5 hehe

So i Love the PO but After all of that i hate the Gen...

I Hope and which you all the best with your PO !!!


I know we always say that we are not supposed to talk to AD's about reps, but heck, I would have a burning desire to show him too :lol:

that is an eye opening story. I actually bought a gen tudor black bay recently, and after a week I noticed it had a speck of dust on the dial.......I will get it fixed at some point, but then I will have to live without it for a while...
just goes to show that gens have flaws too...oh well, at least we're just doing all this for fun, I can live with it.

If you see Kay

Put Some Respect On My Name
So what happens when you get that perfect specimen and then you bring it home only to get a desk dive on it opening the car door?


You're Saying I Can Sell?
For now, the GEN has been returned. I may try to find another good/better AD around town, but for now, I'm enjoying the UPO that arrived the same day I returned the GEN. I'm wearing it now, with a BIG shit eating grin on my face as I type this. I may order the Orange and LMPO as well for shits and giggles.

On a side note: As luck would have it, I received the REP in the mail several hours before I heading out to the AD to do the return of the GEN. My wife told me not to tell her which was the GEN and which was the REP, but wanted to see if she could tell which was which. She is no watch expert, but we just wanted to play the game anyways.

Now to be clear, it should be noted that the GEN was not the ceramic bezel, but rather the older (and if I'm not mistaken, it's no longer made) steel dial. The UPO REP is essentially, at least from what I can tell is the ( which I am just LOVING!!!

Anyway, she thought the REP was the real one. I guess the main reason she thought that was that it looked nicer with the (REP) ceramic dial vs the (GEN) normal steel dial.

Bottom line, the GEN went back to the AD. End of story (for now). I will be looking for a GEN from a different local AD.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
You may have gotten the returns from 2 other people who had buyers remorse and also looked for a reason to get their $ back. JAT

Quite possibly!!!

When I went to return the 2nd GEN, I noticed that the first one I had returned was back on the shelf. I was told by the manager that the first one was returned to "corporate headquarter". All in all, I'm glad I returned the second one as well, and for now, that's that.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
You could always get a leather or rubber strap....I hit my band with a heavy duty green scrub pad once a week (Omega sells a pad too, but save the $14)...takes off the scratches and looks new again (just be careful of the shiny bits)


You're Saying I Can Sell?
You could always get a leather or rubber strap....I hit my band with a heavy duty green scrub pad once a week (Omega sells a pad too, but save the $14)...takes off the scratches and looks new again (just be careful of the shiny bits)

Good advice, BUT I think you're missing the point. I am expecting to get something "NEW", and I don't believe it is. So why would I pay for something as NEW price, when it's not. Anyway, it's all a moot point, if you read a few of my above messages... I've returned the item.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Nope, I got it...I understand your point, but that horse had been beaten to death!...:beatahorse:

My point is, it won't make you feel any better to be the one putting the scratch on your band....

Enjoy your watch(es)!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Nope, I got it...I understand your point, but that horse had been beaten to death!...:beatahorse:

My point is, it won't make you feel any better to be the one putting the scratch on your band....

Enjoy your watch(es)!

No, I REALLY do not think you understand the point at all... if there are scratches on the watch that have been buffed, it is no longer a "NEW" item. I don't know how many hands it's been through and how it's been treated. Anything is possible since I know it's not new. It's really THAT simple. Why don't you understand that part of it.

The issue IS NOT about the scratch itself, but why/how it got there and that there's an attempt to cover it up (failed). I know that I'm going to put scratches on it. I have not issue with that. It's going to happen no matter what... it isn't about the scratch itself.

Me feeling better or worse is another thing. I know I'm paying full price for something that's been bought (possibly) and returned. It's no longer new. Whereas, my watch, my scratches. I am perfectly content with the origination of the scratches. Life is funny that way.

Can you understand that?


Renowned Member
I'm exactly the same with new gens. I go over them with a beady eye to ensure that they're 'perfect' in my opinion, if not i reject them and just tell the AD that I'm not happy with that one and let me see another.

The problem is, and has already been mentioned, that AD's only carry a limited stock so their display watch is sometime the only one they have. It's often a case of take it or leave it. In that case I'd leave it, just as the OP has done.


Renowned Member
Title is wrong, It should be "Problem with gen watch dealer"
A scratch is clearly outside influence, and nothing to do with Omega..the watch, or the manufacturer.
This is a handling issue. Return the watch and find another dealer, hopefully an AD.
I don't blame anyone for wanting a new genuine watch that is as perfect as can be.
New means new, and no one wants to pay hard earned money for something called new..when it's used and scratched.
Simple answer is just go get a new one. The problem is the seller, not the watch.
I clicked on this thread thinking there were defects with someone's brand new genuine Omega.


No, I REALLY do not think you understand the point at all... <snip>

Can you understand that?

Lol relax hypercore. He understands. He's not arguing with you. I think you're getting too worked up now and assuming that anyone who posts something that doesn't 100% agree is 100% against you. Take a deep breath. All he said was to try a leather strap, since the bracelets scratch easily even after you've bought one.

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