You have truely missed the point with your banal comment. Let me explain.
It's the critical eyed members of these forums that ensures the quality and accuracy of Reps the factories are forced to improve in regulatory. Yes 95% of members have no clue between v4 and v3.5, the majority need the critical eye of the 5% to demand improvement by swaying the majority.
BTW - similarly, the demand for high quality products for our improved reps keeps you in the strap business.
Am I wrong?
You guys sound like you belong in a mental institution.
When people ask about my AP's, about the most catching part to them is the "gay" at the end of Piguet. I can tell by their blank stares.
I'm good w/ V3.. No one will ever know, I promise. But.. carry on fellas. :facepalm:
Oh the horror!?!?! Avert your eyes!!!!
You have truely missed the point with your banal comment. Let me explain.
It's the critical eyed members of these forums that ensures the quality and accuracy of Reps the factories are forced to improve in regulatory. Yes 95% of members have no clue between v4 and v3.5, the majority need the critical eye of the 5% to demand improvement by swaying the majority.
BTW - similarly, the demand for high quality products for our improved reps keeps you in the strap business.
Am I wrong?
agree, if I can get the best of the best why would I spend $15,000 for the real deal, right?
I am satisfy with rep. that close to 95% of the gen. It felt like you pay 5% of the price and get 95% of the watch.
+ 1
Like I've wrote.
Can't exist a rep 1:1
If you want this perfection , please buy a gen.
With respect
Junio M.
3.5 is a very good purchase. Expect to see some value as many will start to M2M their 3s and 3.5 reps for the upgrade.
I'd happily buy a 2nd Diver if I see a deal.